Monthly Archives: May 2009

Homily for Friday’s Vespers

My homily for Vespers this Friday: God will give you glory, if you lend him your ears! That is the message I think we can take from tonight’s reading. (Heb. 5, 8-10) God gives glory to those who listen and … Continue reading

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A New Heavens and a New Earth

St. Gregory of Nyssa was speaking today of the new heavens and the new earth of Christianity.  I have always likened that phrase to the Parousia, but St. Gregory has a different twist to it.  In his Discourse on the Resurrection, … Continue reading

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Life of the Church ala Pope St. Clement

The following is from Pope St. Clement’s letter to the Corinthians: “The strong should take care of the weak, the weak should respect the strong.  The rich help the poor, the poor praise God for have given them help in … Continue reading

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Quote for the Day

“Give praise to Him because He is good; exalt Him by your deeds, for He has sent you into the whole world for this reason: that in word and deed you may bear witness to His voice and bring everyone … Continue reading

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Another Interesting Article on Notre Dame

Thanks to a good friend, I read another article related to this debacle.  This one is written by Rev. Robert A. Sirico in the National Review Online.  It is listed as appearing on April 17, 2009.  Fr. Sirico is president and co-founder of … Continue reading

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Notre Dame — Our Lady — Embarrassed?

Take a look at a great article written by Bishop David A. Zubik Pittsburgh Catholic. Just a few quotes: “Notre Dame — Our Lady — is a title and devotion that every Catholic holds close to heart.  Which is … Continue reading

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More From Pope John Paul I

If you are a frequent visitor to this blog, then you are aware of my fondness for Papa Luciani. I was reading his address to the College of Cardinals on August 30, 1978 and would like to share the following … Continue reading

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Quote for the Day – St. Peter Christologus

“May you be, O man, may you be both sacrifice and priest of God; do not lose that which divine will has given and conferred onto you. Clothe yourself with the stole of holiness…. May Christ be the protection of … Continue reading

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Equality in the Marriage Liturgy

I was looking at the website for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops ( and I see they are recommending both the bride and the groom be escorted down the aisle by their parents, as this expresses equality of … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics and Morality, Sacraments | 2 Comments

The Notre Dame Debacle

I received an email from a friend recently.  He forwarded an article from in which are listed 57 bishops from all areas of the country who have sent letters to Father Jenkins at Notre Dame protesting providing President Obama … Continue reading

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Thoughts Before a Black Belt Test

I am about an hour from watching one of my students test for his black belt in the martial arts.  I began teaching him over 11 years ago, and with the changes that life has brought him over that time, … Continue reading

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Quote for the Day – Papa Luciani

(I am taking this quote out of a letter Papa Luciani (John Paul I) wrote to Bishop Hugh Aufderbeck who was the Apostolic Administrator of Erfurt-Meiningen in 1978.  The letter was sent in recognition of the 700th anniversary of the … Continue reading

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