Daily Archives: May 13, 2009

Another Bishop’s Response to the Notre Dame Problem

Bishop Samuel J. Aquila of the Diocese of Fargo wrote to Fr. Jenkins, president of Notre Dame on April 5, expressing his thoughts on President Obama’s invitation to speak and receive an honorary degree from Notre Dame in the next … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics and Morality, Politics | 2 Comments

Pope Benedict and the Palestinians

The Holy Father visited Bethlehem today.  He spoke of the rights of the Palestinian people and offered to them a challenge.  I am quoting from the English original as reported by the Vatican website, www.vatican.va “Mr. President, the Holy See … Continue reading

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Homily for Friday’s Vespers

My homily for Vespers this Friday: God will give you glory, if you lend him your ears! That is the message I think we can take from tonight’s reading. (Heb. 5, 8-10) God gives glory to those who listen and … Continue reading

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