Monthly Archives: June 2009

In Defense of Marriage

The whole institution of marriage is threatened nowadays. The rates of cohabitation, homosexual couples seeking to marry in more and more states, the trivialization of marriage by so many others — all these threaten marriage. As my one of my … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics and Morality, Sacraments | 1 Comment

Quote for the Day

“I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith.” — 2 Tim. 4:7 Let us pray that each of us may sincerely say this on the day of our death. And may each of us … Continue reading

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The Manila Thriller

Pope Paul VI gave a powerful homily in Manila, the Philippines on November 29, 1970. His life was endangered by an assassination attempt on that trip, the occasion which led to then Msgr. Paul Marcinkus probably saving his life, later … Continue reading

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Marital Infidelity

The governor of South Carolina has been in the news of late.  You now know the story — an affair with a younger woman from Argentina; his deception of not only his wife but his staff and anyone else who … Continue reading

Posted in General Interest | 2 Comments

Papa Luciani, the Poor and Rome

Pope John Paul I took possession of the Chair of the Bishop of Rome on September 23, 1978.  In his homily he spoke of the poor, his mother, his parish priest and the Christian community. Here is an excerpt of … Continue reading

Posted in Deacons, Papa Luciani (Pope John Paul I), Popes | Comments Off on Papa Luciani, the Poor and Rome

Our Hope of Seeing God

The Office of Readings recently have included the writings of St. Gregory of Nyssa.  Today, he writes about our hope of seeing God.  I’ve translated the final paragraph below: “If those who have claimed that the vision of God is beyond … Continue reading

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Quote for the Day

“The Lord be with you always and abe you with Him always and in every place.” — St. Clare of Assissi

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Quote for the Day

“The name of Jesus is a standard in battle, that is to say, in the fight against evil.” — St. Bernardine of Sienna OFM

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Websites of Interest

I have found a couple of websites you may want to browse.  The first is a blog that is realtively well known called Whispers in the Loggia (  The second is a site of a photographer who seems to do … Continue reading

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Christian Perfection

St. Gregory of Nyssa discussed three elements of a good Christian life:  Thoughts, words and deeds.  Sound familiar?  He wrote (my translation): “What else would he who has been given the name Christian do but explore diligently each of his … Continue reading

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St. Thomas More and St. John Fisher

My parents gave me the middle name of Thomas, and since childhood I have always  considered St. Thomas More my patron saint.  I don’t know why him rather than St. Thomas the Apostle, all I know is from my earliest … Continue reading

Posted in Saints and Prophets | 1 Comment

Quote for the Day

Another quote here from St. Bonaventure. He actually is speaking of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the feast we celebrated several days ago. “Not only ‘see in his hands the print of the nails,’ with the apostle Thomas, not only put … Continue reading

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National Catholic Partnership on Disability

Going to daily Mass can be a different experience than the Sunday liturgy. Subtle nods, smiles, hand gestures, and other greetings cross the spaces that may physically separate us at 6:30 AM.  Even in the midst of perhaps forty people … Continue reading

Posted in Church News, Deacons, Politics | Comments Off on National Catholic Partnership on Disability

The Sacred Heart – Pope Paul VI

Paul VI spoke and wrote on many occasions about the Sacred Heart. Back on January 25, 1978, I received the book, La Devozione al Sacro Cuore nei Discorsi di Papa Montini, (The Devotion to the Sacred Heart in the discourses … Continue reading

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Sacred Heart of Christ

St. Bonaventure had this to say about the Sacred Heart of Jesus (my translation): “O ineffable beauty of the most high God, O purist splendor of eternal light!  You are life that animates every life, light that illumines every light … Continue reading

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