Category Archives: Prayer and Meditation

Deacon Bob’s Homily for the 6th Sunday of Easter, Cycle B

6th Sunday of Easter Acts 10:25-26, 34-35,44-48; 1John 4:7-10; John 15:9-17 May 4/5, 2024 I have chosen you. I have loved you. Remain in my love. These, I think, are at the core of what Jesus is saying to us … Continue reading

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Deacon Bob’s Homily for 2nd Sunday of Lent, Cycle A

Here is my homily for the weekend. God bless you! 2nd Sunday of Lent, Cycle A March 4/5, 2023 Isaiah 12:1-4a; Timothy 1:8b-10; Matt 17:1-9 The ancient Fathers of the Church and other commentators of the Sacred Scriptures tell us … Continue reading

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Quote for the Day

“Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do.” — St. John XXIII

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Quote for the Day

“It never pays to become discouraged at the faults of others or at our own.” — Venerable Solanus Casey, OFM Cap.

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Quote for the Day

“Praised by you, my Lord, through Sister Water, so very useful and humble, precious and chaste.” —  St. Francis of Assisi

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Quote for the Day

“How can we ever thank the merciful God that we still have a chance to humble ourselves and to merit?” — Ven. Solanus Casey, OFM Cap.

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Quote for the Day

“Jesus Christ is my kingdom. If I possess him alone, I shall have all things; if I have not him, I lose all.” — St. Louis of Anjou, OFM

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Quote for the Day

“My God, make me worthy to grasp your ardent and ineffable love overflowing from the Blessed Trinity and effecting the profound mystery of the holy Incarnation, the source of our salvation.” — Blessed Angela of Foligno, SFO

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O Mary! Show us Jesus!

Our Holy Father, just moments ago, concluded his Christmas homily with these words: “O Maria! Mostraci Gesu!  (O Mary! Show us Jesus!)” Yes my dear readers, this is our prayer tonight. Show us Jesus, Mary! This is your entire vocation, … Continue reading

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Quote for the Day

“Jesus is the perfect child of God. In his life and in his love, in the way he related to God and in the way he related to his sisters and brothers, we find our deepest meaning as human beings.” … Continue reading

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Prayer for Iraqi Christians

Patriarch Louis Raphael I Sako of Iraq has asked all Catholics to pray this prayer for Iraqi Christians and for peace in his country. I would ask all my readers to pray this prayer which he has written and sent … Continue reading

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Quote for the Day

“Prayer is the cup for drinking the grace of the Holy Spirit from the abundant fountain of delight, the Blessed Trinity.” — St. Bonaventure, OFM

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Quote for the Day

“Divine aid is available to those who seek it from their hearts. Prayer is the mother and source of the ascent.” — St. Bonaventure, OFM

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Silentium Magnum

Holy Saturday is always a day of the unusual for the observant Christian. It is a day of the Grand Silence, or Silentium Magnum in Latin. Silence…… the Lord is in the tomb and the apostles are struck with silence, … Continue reading

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What do YOU attribute to God?

In my homily for the early morning Mass today, in response to the Gospel in which Jesus is accused of casting out demons in the name of Beelzebub, I asked those present why it is so common for us to … Continue reading

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