Monthly Archives: November 2009

Feast of St. Andrew

Today is the feast of St. Andrew the apostle.  He was the brother of Peter, and the gospel tells the story of Andrew going to his brother and announcing that he had found the Messiah, and “He led him to … Continue reading

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Quote for the Day

“There are three requisites for perfect prayer. First, when at prayer close your senses and concentrate with all your being, body and soul, and calmly dwell with sorrow and contrition on all your weaknesses past, present and future.” -St. Bonaventure, … Continue reading

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Sing and Walk

St. Augustine has the last words for reflection in the liturgical year which ends tonight at sundown. In today’s Office of Readings, he concludes his discourse with the words, “Sing and walk.” We sing alleluia (praise God) in this life … Continue reading

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Quote for the Day

“[Christ] knows better than anyone the nature of all things. He know well that violence does not surrender to violence, but to gentleness.” — St. John Chrysostom Let us pray for peace…

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Happy Thanksgiving

A Happy Thanksgiving to each of you on this day for family and friends. Let us be especially grateful for the many men and women of faith who have gone before us and given of themselves for our benefit. I … Continue reading

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St. Paul Le-Bao-Tinh and Pope John Paul II

Today is the memorial of St. Andrew Dung-Lac and his companions, all martyrs for the faith during the 19th century in Vietman.  There were 117 of them canonized together by Pope John Paul II in 1988. Sixty-four had been beatified … Continue reading

Posted in Popes, Saints and Prophets, Spirituality | 1 Comment

The Manhattan Declaration

As you may have already read, a large contingent of Catholic bishops (including Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York), evangelical leaders, Orthodox bishops and other religious leaders have signed and promulgated The Manhattan Declaration. It speaks to the sanctity of … Continue reading

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Memorial of St. Clement of Rome, Pope

Today is the memorial of St. Clement of Rome, the third pope after St. Peter.  Little is known about his life and death, except for a wonderful epistle to the Corinthians which he wrote toward the end of the first … Continue reading

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Christ the King

I am out of my home parish this weekend, actually visiting what was my parish for two years back in the 1980s. The Mass was an unusual experience of a blending between the old and the new, the traditional and … Continue reading

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Quote for the Day

“They do not have intelligence, those who bear an idol sculpted by their own hands and pray to a god who cannot save.” — Isaiah 45 Before we too quickly dismiss this as something pertaining to the pagans and far … Continue reading

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Quote for the Day

“No more war; no more hatred and bloodshed, but peace! God wills it!” — St. Anthony of Padua, OFM

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To Be a Modern Incarnation of God

All you who read the Deacon Digest may have read Deacon Harold Jopp’s article in the November-December  edition. He states the challenge for deacons is to become “the modern Incarnation of God.” We are to incarnate our spirituality in the realities … Continue reading

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St. Elizabeth of Hungary and the Secular Franciscans

Today is the memorial of St. Elizabeth of Hungary.  Born a princess of Hungary in 1207, she was married at age 14 to Louis IV and bore three children before her husband’s death. As a widow, she embraced voluntary poverty … Continue reading

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The End Times — St. Fulgentius of Ruspe

Today’s Office of Readings includes a section from the treatise entitled, “The Remission” written by St. Fulgentius of Ruspe.  He speaks of the end times for each of us personally. Here is a snippet (my translation of the Italian): “Grace … Continue reading

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Quote for the Day

“Our sad weakness today is our lack of faith, and consequently, want of confidence in God.” — Ven. Solanus Casey, OFM Capuchin

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