Monthly Archives: April 2009

St. John Chrysostom and Marital Fidelity

Some studies show up to 70% of all marriages will experience infidelity. This figure I believe is a bit inflated, but I know the rate to be higher than most would think. I happened to be reading the Catechism today … Continue reading

Posted in Sacraments, Saints and Prophets | 1 Comment

Quote for the Day

“It is my strong conviction that we can work together to bring about a transformation of our culture and our world, drawing on the way of the Gospel as seen in the ….. great witnesses of nonviolence.” –Louis Vitale, OFM

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More on Notre Dame

I checked Notre Dame’s website today.  I see they acknowledge that Mary Ann Glendon did decline the Laetare Medal. There is a brief statement by Fr. John Jenkins, ND president.  He expresses his sorrow Professor Glendon has decided to decline … Continue reading

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More on Notre Dame, Obama and the Fallout

The Catholic blogs are now reporting that Mary Ann Glendon is declining the prestigious Laetare Medal which Notre Dame was to have been given her at the commencment exercises next month.  She declines, reportedly, because the University invited President Obama … Continue reading

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Who is a Deacon? – Part Three

A deacon is tries to address the needs of the poor, the marginalized and the voiceless of our communities. Most deacons receive not only an assignment to serve in a parish, but they also develop a ministry within the broader … Continue reading

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Obedience, Freedom, and Happiness

“Obedience to God’s commandments, far from alienating us from our humanity, is the pathway to genuine liberation and the source of true happiness.” — John Paul II I have been reading John Paul II’s address to the bishops of Region … Continue reading

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Feast of St. Mark, the Evangelist

“Marco é piu antico!” The location:The great aula of the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome The time:     First semester, fall, 1977 The actors:  Padre Pedro Ortiz, S.J., professor                    Students from all over … Continue reading

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The Cross

“Because the cross is a tree of life-giving grace, let us who have died so many times by reason of our sins, long for that tree, do penance and suffer with Christ.” — St. Bonaventure, OFM St. Theodorus had a … Continue reading

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Quote for the Day

“The prophets assure us that God does not abandon us, but in fact weeps with us!” — Louis Vitale OFM

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The Four Witnesses to Natural Law

As many of you know, many in our contemporary society refuse to acknowledge the existence of natural law. From what I recall, Judge Robert Bork was rejected as a Supreme Court nominee partially because of his thoughts about natural law. … Continue reading

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John Paul II and Democracy

John Paul II on January 27, 1999 spoke during Vespers at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri.  The following is a quote: “And so America, If you want peace, work for justice.  If you want justice, defend … Continue reading

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Anniversary of Pope Benedict’s Election

Yesterday, April 19 marked the fifth anniversary of the Pope’s election.  I thought it might be good to post his very first words to the world after being announced by the cardinal deacon. My translation from the Italian original: “Jesus … Continue reading

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Notre Dame and the President

I overheard yesterday an argument between two fairly prominent individuals from our Region.  Rather heated. All about Obama’s scheduled address and honorary degree of Law from Notre Dame in a few weeks. I find it surprising that most people seem … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics and Morality, Politics | 1 Comment

More Baptismal Catechesis

St. Cyril of Jerusalem speaks more on the catechesis of baptism today. “Having become members of Christ, it is not incorrect for you to be called ‘christs’, that is ‘consecrated’, because God has said of you, ‘Do not touch my consecrated … Continue reading

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Quote for the Day

“Whoever says anything evil to a poor man, insults Christ by it, for the poor man bears the mark of Christ’s nobility, who made himself poor for us in this world.” — St. Francis of Assissi

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