Monthly Archives: October 2008

Wisdom and the Word

Today’s Office of Readings provide ample food for thought.  Take a look at Wisdom 8: 1-21 and its beautiful description of one’s desire for wisdom.  He likens it to the desire one has for one’s spouse, calling it a companion for … Continue reading

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The American Church

Avery Dulles toward the end of 1989 presented a lecture at Fordham in which he outlined four “strategies” of the American Catholic Church:  Traditionalism, neo-conservatism, liberalism, and radicalism.  He saw value in each and warned against “internecine struggles” which he … Continue reading

Posted in Ecclesiology | 1 Comment

Today’s First Reading

I find today’s first reading at Mass today an excellent one to start off the day.  It is Ephesians 6:10-20.  When arising to face the world in a new day, what a wonderful meditation:  “Put on the armor of God……with … Continue reading

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Sacramental theology

Was reading for my sacramental theology course today.  Here is a quote:  “Resistance to a morality that has been one-sidedly developed as a morality of guilt and places Christians constantly under indictment is in harmony with the liberating, forward-looking message … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics and Morality | 1 Comment

Welcome to an opportunity to express yourself intelligently on issues of importance.

I welcome you to this blog in which, hopefully, some intelligent conversation will unfold about the isssues of our times as they relate to life in the Catholic community.  From time to time, I will present for consideration a topic … Continue reading

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