Monthly Archives: March 2009

Obedience to the Truth — Dynamic Tension

I had a conversation yesterday with a friend. He was concerned about divisions in the Church.  I tend not to think in terms of “divisions”, preferring to frame the issue in terms of holding in dynamic tension diverse practices and … Continue reading

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Quote for the Day

From a deacon of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis: “I realized that I am no more than a servant…nothing more, nothing less in the mission of Jesus Christ and his Church.” — Deacon Sean Curtan, SFO

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Notre Dame and the President

If you have been listening to Catholic radio in recent days, you have no doubt heard that Fr. Jenkins, president of the University of Notre Dame, has invited President Obama to give the commencement address to the graduating class in … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics and Morality, Politics | 2 Comments

Are We Truth Friendly and Happy?

I just finished reading John Paul II’s encyclical Vertitatis Splendor. As you know, it is an encyclical on Catholic moral theology, something on which the Second Vatican Council was going to issue a document but never got around to it, … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics and Morality | 2 Comments

Hardware Store Ministry

I was listening yesterday to my local hardward store owner at a training session for mentoring couples in our parishes’ marriage preparation program.  I had tapped him and his wife as potential candidates to mentor some of our young engaged … Continue reading

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Freedom of Conscience and Law

Let me take a stab at this topic.  It would seem so many have a really hard time understanding the Church’s teaching on conscience and law. We must obey our consciences.  We must.  We must also properly form our consciences … Continue reading

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Quote of the Day

“We must know at first hand the experience of the people of our own time — their alienation, their dissatisfaction, their searching for spiritual experience, so that we can proclaim hope from within their experience not from without….”  — Joseph … Continue reading

Posted in General Interest, Prayer and Meditation | 1 Comment

Show Me the Face of God

St. Theophilus of Antioch wrote a beautiful piece on seeing the face of God.  A few quotes for your reflection. “If you say, ‘ Let me see your God’, I will say to you, ‘ Let me see the man within you, … Continue reading

Posted in Prayer and Meditation, Saints and Prophets | 1 Comment

Live Without Fear

A couple of months ago, I wrote about my New Year’s resolution to live without fear.  I am finding it easier said than done.  No surprise there, I suppose. I ran across this from St. Padre Pio of Pietrecina today.  It … Continue reading

Posted in Prayer and Meditation, Saints and Prophets | 1 Comment


Have you ever asked yourself why the Scripture writers have called Satan the father of lies?  I have.  Think about it.  What has been the effect in your life when you have lied or been lied to?  What impact has … Continue reading

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“Leave me Lord. I am a sinful man.”

I have found Luke 5: 1-11 to be a good Lenten meditation.  It is his account of the calling of the first disciples.  You have heard the story: Jesus is near Lake Gennesaret and he sees two boats moored by … Continue reading

Posted in Prayer and Meditation | 1 Comment

Pope Benedict’s Apology

As you may have heard today, Pope Benedict has issued a letter to all the bishops of the world regarding the Williamson issue. You recall, the Pope remitted the excommunications of four illicitly ordained bishops consecrated by Archbishop Lefebvre in 1988. … Continue reading

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Celibacy and the Priesthood

I was over on Deacon Greg Kandra’s blog today and noticed a post by him regarding the retiring New York Cardinal Egan’s comments on priestly celibacy.  It sounds as if the Cardinal anticipates a possible relaxation of this discipline in … Continue reading

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Another Blow to Pro-Life “Grazie a” President Obama

As most of you know already, the president signed an executive order today allowing taxpayer monies to be used to destroy live human embryos for stem cell research.  President George Bush had signed an order in 2001 essentially prohibiting such … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics and Morality, Politics | 3 Comments

Biblical History vs. “Myth”

I am in the middle of reading an interesting book entitled, The Bible Unearthed: Archaeology’s New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Secrets by Finkelstein and Silberman.  I am only half-way through, but it is evident their … Continue reading

Posted in Scripture | 1 Comment