Monthly Archives: August 2011

33 Years Ago Today – Papa Luciani and the Diplomats

(During the upcoming days, I will be keeping all of us refreshed as to the happenings of the pontificate of John Paul I during his 33 day reign in 1978.) On August 31, 1978, Papa Luciani gave an address to … Continue reading

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Quote for the Day

“It is obedience, and only obedience, which clearly shows us God’s will.” — St. Maximillian Kolbe, OFM Conv.

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33 Years Ago Today – Papa Luciani and Unity in the Church

On this day, 33 years ago, Pope John Paul I spoke to the cardinals who had elected him. It took place in the Consistory Hall on a Wednesday. He spoke rather eloquently about Church unity, and his commitment to fostering … Continue reading

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Quote for the Day

“The Lord called me to himself with a most tender love, and with an infinite charity he led and directed me along the path of my life.” — Blessed Ludovico of Casoria, OFM

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Church of the Week

  St. Patrick Catholic Church McHenry, Illinois

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33 Years Ago Today… John Paul I

Thirty-three years ago today, Cardinal Albino Luciani, Patriarch of Venice, was elected pope and took the name John Paul I. His papacy lasted 33 days, but his effect will continue for years. L’Osservatore Romano ( had a nice little article … Continue reading

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Cardinal John Chrysostom Korec

I read yesterday with interest an article in  L’Osservatore Romano ( about Cardinal John Chrysostom Korec from the Czech Republic who celebrated the 6o anniversary of his ordination to the episcopacy. At the time, he was the youngest bishop in … Continue reading

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Quote for the Day

“My only concern is to carry out what God wants of me. In a word, I desire to be as perfect a likeness of my Lord Jesus Christ as I possibly can.” — Blessed Didacus Joseph of Cadiz, OFM Cap.

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Anniversary of Ordination

Today, the memorial of the Queenship of Mary, is the second anniversary of my ordination to the diaconate. To all my classmates I extend my best wishes! Seems like yesterday, but what a wonderful couple of years it has been! … Continue reading

Posted in Deacons | 1 Comment

Another Wedding Story (Mis-story)

Deacon Greg over at Deacon’s Bench (see link Deacon Greg Kandra at lower right) posted yesterday a story of a wedding that occurred in his parish. A great story, perhaps familiar to a lot of deacons… perhaps a “mis-story” of what … Continue reading

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Meet the 34th Doctor of the Church

    Yesterday, Pope Benedict declared St. John of Avila a doctor of the Church, making him the 34 saint with that honor. The Holy Father made the announcement at the conclusion of a special World Youth Day Mass for … Continue reading

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Church of the Week

St. Mary Church McHenry, Illinois

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The Many Faces of Poverty

I was thinking today of poverty as I was painting my house. One brush stroke after another, hours on end. I’ve been at it all week, all day. Soon I will be finished. We tend to think of poverty as … Continue reading

Posted in Spirituality, Virtues | 1 Comment

What Constitutes Good Preaching?

I read with interest today a report from The Catholic News Service that Fr. Roy Shelly and Deborah Wilhelm of the Diocese of Monterey, California said that a good homily should be only 6-8 minutes in length on Sundays and … Continue reading

Posted in Deacons, Evangelization, homilies | 2 Comments

August of 1978

August, 1978 was an unforgettable month. In it was the death of Pope Paul VI on the Solemnity of the Transfiguration (August 6), the standing in line to see the pope’s body laying in state in St. Peter’s Basilica, his … Continue reading

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