Monthly Archives: June 2010

Memories of Papa Luciani — Part One

I have never written about my experience with Pope John Paul I, and my special devotion to him. I have though told the story in conversation with family and friends numerous times. I was in Oslo, Norway when I saw … Continue reading

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Random Thoughts at the End of the Week

It is late for me.  Saturday night after a long day and a long week. At the office, it was a week of seeing an awful lot of patients along with preparing to move to a different office after eleven … Continue reading

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Ad Multos Annos, La Crosse, Wisconsin!

I am sure my neighboring diocese, La Crosse, Wisconsin, is rejoicing today. A new bishop has been announced this morning for them by the Holy Father: Bishop William  P. Callahan, O.

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A Blast from the Past – More on Papa Luciani

I was going through a trunk I have in which I have put many things from my more distant past. In the bottom were newpapers I have kept from 1978, the year of Pope Paul VI’s death and funeral, Papa … Continue reading

Posted in Papa Luciani (Pope John Paul I) | 5 Comments

Attention Papa Luciani (Pope John Paul I) Devotees

I had the pleasure of receiving a comment from Lori Pieper recently. She is doing some great work researching and translating much of what Papa Luciani wrote during his lifetime. She has a website and a blog that I think … Continue reading

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St. Ephrem, Deacon and Doctor

Today is the memorial of St. Ephrem, deacon and doctor of the Church. He was born around 306 in Nisbis, Mesopotamia, to a Christian family. He later fled to Edessa where he was ordained a deacon. He founded a biblical school … Continue reading

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Attention Deacons!

Here is a brief quote from Pope Benedict XVI from his address on May 21 to the Pontifical Mission Societies. “Preaching the Gospel is the call of God’s children to freedom, to the construction of an ever more just and … Continue reading

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Modern Violence

Here is a bit of wisdom attributed to Thomas Merton by Deacon David Backes in Deacon Digest, July-August 2010 The rush and pressure of modern life are a form, perhaps the most common form, of its innate violence.  To allow … Continue reading

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Quote for the Day

“Prayer is the cup for drinking the grace of the Holy Spirit from the abundant fountain of delight, the Blessed Trinity.”  — St. Bonaventure, OFM

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Random Thoughts

I have not had computer access for a few days.  Thus, no posts. Spent time with extended family in Green Bay. Was talking to my sister’s father-in-law last night about the research being done on the effects of technology in … Continue reading

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Quote for the Day

“Live always in the truth, that you may die in obedience.” — St. Francis of Assisi

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