Category Archives: Sacraments

If Only We All Were So Aware

I was at daily Mass yesterday in a parish at which I had never previously been present. At the sign of peace, I turned to glance over my right shoulder and saw a disheveled man standing in the back with … Continue reading

Posted in Sacraments | 2 Comments

Hints of Things to Come?

The National Catholic Register is reporting that in Ireland some lawmakers are trying to pass legislation that would require priests to break the seal of the confessional if a pedophile confesses. Please note that this law has not passed, but … Continue reading

Posted in Church News, Politics, Sacraments | 2 Comments

Thoughts While Preparing for Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction

I will be presiding tonight at Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction for one of the parishes to which I am assigned. It will be an hour of quiet before the Lord. The crowd will be small, but those present have a … Continue reading

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From the Ancient Catechism of Jerusalem

There is an ancient Christian text called the Catechism of Jerusalem, a selection of which was given for today’s Office of Readings. It has a teaching about baptism that is worth our attention and thought today. My English translation of … Continue reading

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iPhone Confessions?

The news outlets have been abuzz with reports about a new application for the iPhone titled Confession: A Roman Catholic App developed by a South Bend, Indiana publisher, Little iApps, LLC. I have not seen this application, nor have I … Continue reading

Posted in Church News, Sacraments | 4 Comments

Random Thoughts

I have not had computer access for a few days.  Thus, no posts. Spent time with extended family in Green Bay. Was talking to my sister’s father-in-law last night about the research being done on the effects of technology in … Continue reading

Posted in General Interest, Sacraments | Comments Off on Random Thoughts

Quote for the Day

“Marriage is a school for gratitude.” — USCCB, Marriage: Love and Life in the Divine Plan, 2009

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Catechesis on Marriage

I continue to read the USCCB’s pastoral letter, Marriage: Love and Life in the Divine Plan. I’d like to transcribe a lengthier section of that letter here, a section that beautifully describes the Church’s teaching on the sacramentality of Christian … Continue reading

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The Communion of Marriage

I am reading the Pastoral Letter of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops entitled, Marriage: Love and Life in the Divine Plan. I would recommend this to all married couples and indeed to all members of the Church. There … Continue reading

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Deacons and Marriage

I’d like to quote Herbert Vorgrimler in his book,  Sacramental Theology, (pg. 27o):   “… all that a deacon does is done as a member of the hierarchy, of the clerus; whether married or not, the deacon makes it clear that … Continue reading

Posted in Deacons, Sacraments, Spirituality | 13 Comments

Motu Proprio “Omnium in Mentem” of Benedict XVI

I read yesterday the Pope’s Moto Proprio entitled Omnium in Mentem. I meant to write a post on it yesterday, but got caught up in the busyness of the day here at the office as well as in the parish in … Continue reading

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In Defense of Marriage

The whole institution of marriage is threatened nowadays. The rates of cohabitation, homosexual couples seeking to marry in more and more states, the trivialization of marriage by so many others — all these threaten marriage. As my one of my … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics and Morality, Sacraments | 1 Comment

St. Thomas Aquinas on the Eucharist

Those of us who pray the Office of Readings enjoyed St. Thomas today. Here is a quote (my translation from the Italian): “The only begotten Son of God, willing that we become participants in his divine nature, assumed our nature … Continue reading

Posted in Christology, Sacraments, Saints and Prophets, Spirituality | Comments Off on St. Thomas Aquinas on the Eucharist

Quote for Corpus Christi

“You have given us bread from heaven; bread of the angels!” — Second Vespers for Corpus Christi

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Equality in the Marriage Liturgy

I was looking at the website for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops ( and I see they are recommending both the bride and the groom be escorted down the aisle by their parents, as this expresses equality of … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics and Morality, Sacraments | 2 Comments