Monthly Archives: December 2008

“I Was a Stranger and You Welcomed Me….”

A former classmate and friend of mine from my Roman days is now the bishop of Little Rock, Bishop Tony Taylor.  Bishop Tony has always been an advocate for the poor, even as he and I worked in the Trastevere … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | 1 Comment

Dignitas Personae – conclusion

Dignitas Personae concludes with several “quotable quotes”: Section 36:  “There are those who say that the moral teaching of the Church contains too many prohibitions…..human history shows, however, how man has abused and can continue to abuse the power and … Continue reading

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Cardinal Avery Dulles

As you may have heard, Avery Dulles, SJ died this past week.  Fr. Dulles was a Cardinal of the Church, made so by Pope John Paul II in 2001.  He was a Cardinal, yet not a bishop as are nearly … Continue reading

Posted in General Interest | 1 Comment

John the Voice, Jesus the Word

St. Augustine had some wonderful thoughts about John the Baptist and Jesus.  (My translation from the Italian.) “John is the voice.  However, we say of the Lord: ‘In the beginning was the Word’ (John 1,1).   John is the voice … Continue reading

Posted in General Interest, Saints and Prophets | 1 Comment

Dignitas Personae – continued

Toward the end of the introduction of Dignitas Personae, there is a great quote from John Paul II. I am quoting section 3: “Life will triumph:  this is a sure hope for us.  Yes, life will triumph because truth, goodness, joy and … Continue reading

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AIDS Prevention, continued

I have read the article by Potts, et. al. in Science mentioned in my previous post on this subject.  It points out that some assumptions that underlie current HIV prevention strategies are unsupported by evidence.  Current strategies include condom distribution, … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics and Morality, General Interest | 3 Comments

Dignitas Personae

I would encourage all of you to log on to and read Dignitas Personae, the Church’s recent document on the bioethics of procreation and medical research.  A great document that I hope will get a fair catechesis among the Catholic faithful … Continue reading

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Ad Ecclesiam Aeternam

If you want to view a short memorial on the popes since Pius XII, with rather stirring background music, log on to  and search for “ad ecclesiam aeternam”.  You will see a five minute video listed about the popes. By … Continue reading

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More on Papa Luciani

Here is a quote, attributed to John Paul I prior to his election as pope, as cited on “Progress with men who love one another, considering themselves brothers and sons of the one God and Father, can be a … Continue reading

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AIDS prevention

The most recent Ethics and Medics, (Vol. 33, N. 12)  a publication of the National Catholic Bioethics Center on Health Care and the Life Sciences, had some interesting and surprising comments.  It cited research that has been published in Science by Malcom Potts et … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics and Morality, General Interest | 3 Comments

Alone at St. Peter’s

  If you ever get to Rome, take the opportunity to go to St. Peter’s square at night and stand in the middle of the piazza near the obelisk.  Take in what will be an experience you cannot have during … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception

The following is from Saint Anselm’s Discourses: “God created every creature and Mary gave birth to God;  God, who had created everything made himself a creature of Mary, and recreated thus all that he had created.  And while he had … Continue reading

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Second Sunday of Advent

Pope Benedict mentioned today in his weekly Angelus message those fleeing persecution and violation of their human rights.   My translation of the Italian:  “To all peoples exhausted by misery and hunger, to the throngs of refugees, who suffer grave … Continue reading

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Jesus of History — Jesus of Apostolic Witness

I wrote a post a few days ago about the historical-critical method in Christology, specifically Hans Kung’s work.  I have been writing, too, about Pope John Paul I in recent posts.  I was re-reading Papa Luciani’s homily from his installation … Continue reading

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Perhaps you have read Pope Benedict’s Angelus reflection last week.  He centered it around “time”, in the context of salvation history in the Christian tradition.  Here is a quote:  “…we all say that we do not have enough time, because … Continue reading

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