Monthly Archives: November 2008

Confession and Politics

Take a look at The Modesto Bee, the Nov. 29 edition. (  An article about the local Catholic pastor advising his flock to return to the confessional if they voted for Obama.  According to the Modesto Bee, Fr. Joseph Illo … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics and Morality, Politics | 4 Comments

Hans Küng “On Being A Christian”

I wrote a paper a while back on Hans Küng’s book, On Being a Christian.  An awful lot in the book, but it brought me back to the question of whether our Christology needs to be “bottom up”, or “top … Continue reading

Posted in Christology | 1 Comment

Forgiveness and Gratitude

Have been still thinking about forgiveness.  The Gospel reading our pastor used at Mass for Thanksgiving, and his homily, spoke to the point again.  The Gospel was the parable of Jesus healing ten men, only one of whom returned to … Continue reading

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Pope Benedict on Faith and Works

Pope Benedict said last Wednesday: “For this reason Luther’s phrase: ‘faith alone’ is true, if it is not opposed to faith in charity, in love.  Faith is looking at Christ, entrusting oneself to Christ, being united to Christ, conformed to Christ, … Continue reading

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FOCA, the Death Penalty, and War

The Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) is back in play it would seem, thanks to Obama’s win and the pro-choice advantage in the Congress.  If there is one issue that gets me boiling, it is this.  I simply refuse to … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics and Morality | 2 Comments


In reading a book on the train today about marital infidelity, I discovered that the author came at the conclusion of her book to the subject of forgiveness.  She said that to offer forgiveness to one who does not acknowledge … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics and Morality | 1 Comment

St. Cecelia

Memorial of St. Cecelia today.  What a wonderful reading this morning from St. Augustine on song.  He asks us to consider who would dare present themselves before the Lord who knows well the melodies of our lives, of our hearts. … Continue reading

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Collegiality and Infallibility

Started to read a book recently about the power struggles in the Church during the late 19th and 20th centuries.  Was referring to papal authority especially and the pontificates of Pius IX and Pius XII. I often wonder how reunification … Continue reading

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Presentation of Mary

Today’s memorial brings to mind what Augustine wrote in the second reading from the Office.  He says that Mary’s discipleship was of greater importance than her maternity of Jesus.  At first, this struck me.  Then, I thought that this certainly … Continue reading

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The Dedication of the Basilicas St. Peter and St. Paul

I am celebrating today’s optional memorial as I pray the Office.  I have so many memories of these two basilicas in Rome, and have spent considerable time in each, especially St. Peter’s in the Vatican.  I had what I consider … Continue reading

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Monday of the 33rd Week

I was lector at the 6:30 AM Mass this morning, so I proclaimed the reading from the beginning of the book of Revelation.  John wrote that the one who reads and proclaims these words is blessed and those who listen … Continue reading

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St. Albert the Great

Today is the feast of St. Albert.  He wrote a wonderful little piece on the Eucharist which I would like to share.  My translation, again, from the Italian: “‘He that eats of me will live by me’ (John 6.57).  Nothing … Continue reading

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Friday of the 32nd Week of the Year

The Office of Readings, as it typically does, has an interesting reflection this morning in the second reading.  An anonymous author from the 2nd Century in a homily wrote (my translation from the Italian):   “Fasting is worth more than prayer, … Continue reading

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Church Struggles

A local newsreporter for the Winona Daily News wrote the following in today’s (Nov. 14, ’08) online edition:  “If you need a reason to stay away from the Church, you can always come up with a  host of sore points.  … Continue reading

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Hispanic Church

I was reading last night a short history of the Hispanic experience in the American Catholic Church.  One thing struck me.  The Hispanic way of being Catholic is very different that the Euro-American way of being Catholic.  Hispanic Catholicism took … Continue reading

Posted in Ecclesiology | 2 Comments