Monthly Archives: November 2008

USCCB – More News

Want to highlight a few of the comments the bishops are making at their fall meeting.  Bishop Joseph Martino of Scranton:  “we are going to have to speak as firmly as possibly to Catholic politicians who are not merely reluctant … Continue reading

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USCCB’s Fall Assembly Baltimore

I’d like to share another quote today, from Cardinal George at the Bishop’s fall assembly in Baltimore, currently convened. “We are, perhaps, at a moment when, with the grace of God, all races are safely within the American consensus.  We are not … Continue reading

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USCCB – Quote By Cardinal George

Found this quote on blog moderated by Greg Kandra today.  What do you think? “The common good can never be adequately incarnated in any society when those waiting to be born can be legally killed at choice.  If the Supreme Court Dred … Continue reading

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Pope Leo the Great

Yesterday was the Feast of the Dedication of the Basilica of John Lateran, and today is the memorial of Leo the Great.  An appropriate juxtaposition of celebrations it would seem.  Leo held back the barbarians from the city of Rome, … Continue reading

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Natural Law and Discourse in Ethics

The topic of sexual ethics surfaced today in a sacramental theology seminar in which I was a participant. All one needs to do is scratch the surface on any aspect of sexual behavior, and you will get a strident response … Continue reading

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Diaconate Identity

I caught about 5 minutes early this morning of Fr. Corapi on Relevant Radio.  I usually do not listen to Relevant Radio except to hear what many of my fellow parishioners are listening to and thus be able to speak … Continue reading

Posted in Ecclesiology | 1 Comment

Paul’s Relationship with Jesus

Just got back from Mass this morning.  The epistle spoke of Paul’s relationship with Jesus.  He calls all things “loss” in light of his knowledge of Jesus Christ.  For Paul, his conversion experience must have been absolutely astounding,  a complete … Continue reading

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Election Day

I couldn’t help but think of election day when I read from the Office of Readings this morning.   In Maccabees we read (my translation):  “Matthias responded with a loud voice, ‘ Even  if all the people of the world listen to … Continue reading

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Coming Home

To all of you who may read this, who were brought into the Church as infants but may have wandered from the Church in your search for truth and goodness, I want to say, “You are welcome home anytime.  Let’s … Continue reading

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Gaudium et Spes

There are a couple of sentences in Gaudium et Spes that reads (translated from Italian): “Thus, peace will be the fruit of love that goes far beyond that which justice alone is able to accomplish.  Peace on earth, then, that … Continue reading

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Feast of All Saints

St. Bernard, in today’s second reading from the Office, mentions two longings we have:  a desire to stand with the saints in heaven and share in their happiness, and the desire that Christ may show himself to us as he … Continue reading

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