Blessed Marianne of Molokai

We have all heard of St. Damien of Molokai, the priest that ministered to the lepers of that Hawaiian island in the late 19th Century who died of the dreaded disease. Did you know, though, that Molokai is proud of another person to be beatified in May? Her name is Marianne of Molokai.

Marianne of Molokai is Hawaii’s second candidate for sainthood. She was a Franciscan sister who ministered also to the sick of that island. Her name was originally Barbara Koob and was born on January 23, 1838 in what is now SE Hessen, Germany. She became a sister of St. Francis in Syracuse, New York on November 19, 1862 and was a nurse administrator at St. Joseph Hospital in 1879 in Syracuse. She arrived in Hawaii on November 8, 1883 and set up the Malulani Hospital on the island of Maui. She met Fr. Damien in January 1884.

To read more of her, log on to: Hawaii Catholic Herald and read about a recent Mass commemorating her. You can also log on to another article at: Hawaii Catholic Herald for additional information about her life.

About Deacon Bob

Moderator: Deacon Bob Yerhot of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota.
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