The Death of Dr. Death

Jack Kervorkian, a retired pathologist who became known as “Dr. Death” for his role in assisted suicide, died today at age 83. He was the face of the so-called “right to die” movement in our country.

I was always puzzled by the phrase “right to die.” Whenever we believe we have a “right” to something, we try to lay claim to that right. Seems to me that we do not have a claim on death; it has a claim on us because of sin.

Life is always preferable to death. Death is an unavoidable evil. Life is an inexplicable gift and goodness. Why, then, choose death?

Let us all pray for the soul of Jack Kervorkian. We dare not judge him, only pray for him.

About Deacon Bob

Moderator: Deacon Bob Yerhot of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota.
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