1000th Weblog Post

Catholic Faith and Reflections has been up and running now since October 28, 2008 and has had over 414,000 page views in the course of that time.

This is the 1000th posting.

For some reason, that seems like a lot….

It is a pleasant undertaking in many ways.

My purpose remains what it always has been: a place where one can speak about the Catholic faith, learn some about what our Church teaches, and hopefully ellict a bit of dialogue, all the while keeping updated on currrent events in the Church.

I hope to advance in whatever way I am able the “new evangelization.”

A deacon’s vocation is to spread the Gospel and to bring the Church to places where our bishops cannot always go. A deacon without the Gospel in his hands and in his heart betrays the character imprinted on his soul at his ordination.  As Pope John Paul II remined us, we are always and everywhere a deacon, a minister of the Gospel in service to others. It is my hope that this weblog expresses in some manner my diaconal character.

I thank all of you who silently log on and read what is posted, and especially those of you who take the time to comment. Almost without exception, the comments have been excellent and well-received.

God bless each and every one of you.

Deacon Bob

About Deacon Bob

Moderator: Deacon Bob Yerhot of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota.
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