From my room here I look to the west and am able to see the sun set over a bluff that is about 500 feet high, with a peak of rock jutting out to the north. Pretty sight. I climbed up that peak many years ago and there is a wonderful view of the Mississippi River bottom that extends for miles. One of God’s masterpieces waiting to be seen.
My thoughts turned to commitment today. Actually, a patient’s story led me to think of it. So many people struggle with commitment. In our contemporary age, life-long commitments are seldom kept, and I fear we have generated a whole bunch of young ones who yearn for it but have not seen it lived out in front of them in their families or communities. Of course, there are those who, despite repeated physical threats and harm, doggedly remain unable to break commitments — or should I better say rethink what their commitments really are. An example of this are people who are always being used by someone, yet seem so dependent they cannot break loose. In our American society, the definition of the marital commitment is in such a flux that it is difficult to understand it in certain situations. I often wonder how many people really do enter into a sacramental marriage nowadays…. or have the capacity to do so.
I sometimes wonder too why it is that when you step forth and volunteer your time, talent and energy you may get a silent stare, or a “Thanks, maybe later.” response. I can only think that somehow the offer is threatening to them. I have difficulty believing the offer is too bold.
Tomorrow is March 1, thank God. That to me means spring is soon to be upon us. Yes, I know the snowstorm over the High School tournament weekend is in store for us as it invariably is each year, but it is a minor inconvenience to the determined advance of warmer weather. I have had enough of Minnesota snow for a year.
I hope all of you are praying for the canonization of Papa Luciani (Pope John Paul I). I always think I have to point out who Luciani was. A few posts back I suggested a prayer we all could say on a daily basis. I don’t mean to take the thunder out of our joy over Papa Wojtyla’s (John Paul II) upcoming beatification…. just to remind everyone that Luciani preceded him to the throne of Peter and continues to impact many souls. I for one do not want his memory to fade into history.
Well, the sun is set over that bluff and the sky has gone from an orange to a grey color.
Blessings on all of you.