I heard on Catholic talk radio this morning as I was driving into work that the Pope is excited about a new catechism that is to be released in March that is geared toward adolescents and young adults. The new catechism will be published by Ignatius Press, it was reported, and entitled YouCat.
Apparently, this catechism will cover everything covered in the Catechism of the Catholic Church but in a question and answer form and in language more easily accessed by the younger generation. The report said that the Pope has said that the young today need to be better catechized than the generation before them, and need to know their faith as well as a computer expert knows his or her program or a musician knows the music.
I will try to find out more about this. Took me by surprise.
UPDATE: It has been already released by Ignatius and is out of stock. This is the official catechism of World Youth Day. It is 300 pages long and costs less than $20.
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