The American Prison and Justice System

Did you know that one in 31 Americans are involved in the justice system in one way or another, i.e., in prison or jail or on probation and one in 100 Americans are behind bars?

I heard these statistics quoted on Relevant Radio today, and I cannot off the top of my head recall their sources, but I have heard similar statistics in recent months from other new services.

What does this say about our society?

I think it has a lot to say about two things: the breakdown of the American family structure and the prevalence of drugs in our contemporary social scene.

Perhaps it says a lot also about the weakening of our moral fiber, and the loss of character that inevitably comes with disordered families and the failure in development of human virtue.

About Deacon Bob

Moderator: Deacon Bob Yerhot of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota.
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