Dancing With Delight Before the Lord

We read today in the Office of Readings about King David as he transported the Ark of God. It says:

“David and the whole house of Israel made merry with all their might with songs and citharas, harps and tambourines, sistras and cymbals before the Lord.” (2 Sam. 6: 5)

Can you imagine the scene?  Dancing and playing and singing with all their might before the tabernacle of the Lord?  Would that we delight so in the presence of God.  Tabernacles of the Lord are in every Catholic Church.  Do we find delight when before the New Ark of the Lord?  Is joy part of what we experience?

I heard a recorded sermon this morning as I was driving to work.  It concluded with a story of a man who died from cancer, and how though in a coma, he awoke when the priest held the Body of Christ over him.  The man was able to receive communion and then spoke his last words, “Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!”

Words of joy before the presence of the Lord.  The man momentarily danced with all his might.

About Deacon Bob

Moderator: Deacon Bob Yerhot of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota.
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