Why ask for visions and signs?

Many of us, when in dire straits or faced with doubts about our faith and the direction of our lives, are prone to asking God for some sign or vision to show us the way and to reinforce our shaky belief in his presence. It is almost human, I would suppose, to do this for as human we are rather earthy.  We are attuned to the physical world and are a part of it.

We have no more need for signs or visions. Even though in the Old Testament priests and prophets frequently asked for and received visions and signs, God is rather silent nowadays, seldom giving us such things. God has revealed everything he intends to reveal to us in his Son, Jesus.

Before the Incarnation, faith was not yet founded on the law of love. It was necessary to ask God for signs and wonders, and God responded in such ways. All the signs and wonders actually were meant to lead us ultimately to faith in Jesus.

God asks us to focus our sight solely on Jesus. “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased. Listen to Him” (Mt. 17, 5). How is God to respond to us more fully or completely than with his Son? He has nothing else to say or reveal in this life. He has ended his old way of communicating to us and has given everything to Jesus who is his Divine Word who is the fullest expression of God the Father in the power of the Holy Spirit.

We are called to become like Jesus.  We are called to become Jesus to others.  We are asked to “ascend God’s holy mountain”, i.e., become holy.  We cannot do any of this without keeping our sight firmly on Jesus. He has so much to say to us, more than we can possibly think of asking. Know him well. He shows us the way.

About Deacon Bob

Moderator: Deacon Bob Yerhot of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota.
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