Quote for the Day

“If the Lord gives you some prosperity, not only should you humbly thank him, but be well aware to not worsen your situation by vainglory or in some other manner; be aware, in other words, to not enter into conflict with God by offending Him with His own gifts.” — St. Louis of France, Acta Sanctorum Augusti 5 (1868), 546 (My translation of an Italian text.)

I find it an interesting point for meditation: How we can offend God by not giving back to Him the gifts He has given us. We fail to give those gifts back to Him in many ways, but one way for certain is by not humbly recalling from Whom we received them, by vainly claiming authorship of those gifts and talents that we possess through God’s generosity and wisdom.

About Deacon Bob

Moderator: Deacon Bob Yerhot of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota.
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