At this very hour, the cardinals are in conclave and will be casting their first vote in a manner of minutes. I cannot tell you how vivid my memories are of the conclaves of 1978 when Albino Luciani was elected in August and then Karol Wojtyla in October. At both of those, I was watching closely the Sistine Chapel roof, as I am doing today, only back then it was from the Vatican itself whereas today it is via webcam from the United States.
Both Luciani and Wojtyla were unexpected choices. I suspect the conclave of 2013 will result in an unexpected choice also.
My friends, please pray at this hour and in the ensuing hours that the cardinals will select a man with the heart of a pastor and the skills of an administrator to lead our Church.
Papas Luciani and Wojtyla, pray for the Church!