Daily Archives: April 14, 2012

A Test By Fire – This November

Here is an excellent video regarding the issues that face us this November, and how we must be well-informed as we approach the ballot box. (It is released by Catholics Called to Witness. Web address is www.cc2w.org)

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Our Bishops on Religious Liberty – A Fortnight of Prayer

Here is a letter from our bishops regarding the threat to our religious liberty of the current federal administration’s policies. I applaud our bishops in their efforts to inform and motivate us to protect our rights as believers to express … Continue reading

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Minnesota Marriage Minute #15 – Equal in Dignity, Yet Different

Here is the latest Minnesota Marriage Minute video. Yes, men and women are equal in dignity, yet different in their sexual and parental roles. Take a look, and remember, vote “yes” this November on the Marriage Amendment!

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