Monthly Archives: March 2011

Prayers for Fr. Corapi

There is a Facebook page for anyone wanting to pray for Fr. Corapi. Here is the link: Facebook Page. As those of us in the mental health profession know so well, an accusation of sexual misconduct ruins your reputation regardless … Continue reading

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Odometer Reading

We have hit 325,000 visits to Catholic Faith and Reflections – about 1000 of you a day. There are 882 posts and 403 comments on this weblog since it inception several years ago. I hope that a few of you … Continue reading

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Fr. Corapi

I believe most if not all of you are aware of Father John Corapi, SOLT, a priest who has tremendous preaching ability and who is heard regularly on Relevant Radio and other Catholic news sources. He is being accused by … Continue reading

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Philadelphia and the Tsunami

I have been rather quiet lately. Writer’s block of sorts. I haven’t found much to write about in a weblog format and have been busy preaching and ministering – the former at the parishes, the latter in the clinic and … Continue reading

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Quote for the Day

“We need to help our youth learn to live in the world but not to be chained to it. We need to give them a sense of love and honesty that will become part of their daily living.” — Kathy … Continue reading

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For Your Consideration…..

(Comments made by Fr. Mark Ivany during his homily on January 24, 2011 in Washington, D.C.) “I was watching a show about seals. It was a very well done show that followed a group of scientists on the West Coast … Continue reading

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The State of Maryland and “Same Sex Marriage”

You probably didn’t hear of this, as the secular press didn’t disseminate it very much from what I can tell. The Maryland House of Delegates effectively stopped a bill legalizing “same-sex marriage” on March 11th. From what I have been … Continue reading

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Quote for the Day

(From today’s Office of Readings – my translation of the Italian text I used.) “Even more, recall that you have become a son of God, co-heir with Christ and, to use a bold image, you are the same God.” – … Continue reading

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Deacon Bob’s Homily for the First Sunday of Lent

Here is this weekend’s homily, again in three parts. (Some day I will figure out how to post it unbroken with WordPress.) FIrst Sunday of Lent FIrst Sunday of Lent – Part 2 First Sunday of Lent – Part 3

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The Holy Father’s Lenten Message

The Holy Father’s Lenten message is contained in the link below. Take the time to read it and nourish your souls! Lenten blessings on each of you… MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS BENEDICT XVI for Lent 2011

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Church of the Week

(Here is the other parish to which I am assigned.) Crucifixion Church La Crescent, Minnesota Lots of good people here!

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Deacons! Preach the Entire Gospel

The Holy Father this past week spoke to the priests of the diocese of Rome. He reflected upon a passage from the Acts of the Apostles (20: 17-38). During his comments he made the following statement: (My translation of the … Continue reading

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Papa Luciani on Lefebvre and Religious Liberty

With the Church having made sincere efforts to invite the Society of St. Pius X back into the Church after Archbishop Lefebvre brought it into schism many years ago, I thought it might be of interest to see what Papa … Continue reading

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Quote for the Day

“Courtesy is one of the properties of the Lord, who serves out sun and rain and all his things which we need for our life, to the just and the unjust alike. For Courtesy is a sister of Charity, and … Continue reading

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Illinois Abolishes the Death Penalty

This morning, Governor Pat Quinn of Illinois, signed into law the bill abolishing the death penalty in Illinois. This bill was passed by the state legislature just a couple of days ago. Shortly thereafter Governor Quinn commuted to life in … Continue reading

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