Monthly Archives: April 2010

Words of Encouragement

If you are a priest who is discouraged by the crisis in the Church regarding the abuse children and the Church’s response to this inexcusable crime, take a look at what Archbishop John R. Quinn, retired bishop of San Francisco said at the … Continue reading

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Persevere in Prayer!

I was listening to the radio recently and a guy whose name I did  not quickly enough scribble down on paper, made a quoteable quote — something my Dad might say or some other wise plainly spoken person. Whenever you begin to … Continue reading

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Nine Days that Changed the World

Log on to: It is a trailer for an upcoming movie on June 2-10, 1979, the nine days when Pope John Paul II went back to his native Poland, and the beginning of the end of the Iron Curtain … Continue reading

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The Communion of Marriage

I am reading the Pastoral Letter of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops entitled, Marriage: Love and Life in the Divine Plan. I would recommend this to all married couples and indeed to all members of the Church. There … Continue reading

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Quote for the Day

“These are the days when the Christian is expected to praise every creed except his own.” — G.K. Chesterton, 1928

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Crisis in the Church, a Post-Script

I was visiting a parish today and one of my brother deacons was the homilist.  As you know, today is Good Shepherd Sunday, and Deacon John began with an engaging recalling of his boyhood experiences with a sheep herd, a … Continue reading

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Deacons and Marriage

I’d like to quote Herbert Vorgrimler in his book,  Sacramental Theology, (pg. 27o):   “… all that a deacon does is done as a member of the hierarchy, of the clerus; whether married or not, the deacon makes it clear that … Continue reading

Posted in Deacons, Sacraments, Spirituality | 13 Comments

Quote for the Day

“Be not the greatest, unless in your greatness you are the servant of all.” — Bishop John M. Quinn, August 22, 2009

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Quote for the Day

“Prayer is the cup for drinking the grace of the Holy Spirit from the abundant fountain of delight, the Blessed Trinity.” — St. Bonaventure, OFM

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Hey Guys, Vote for Me

I have been nominated for the Cannon Ball Catholic Blog Awards for the Best Under Appreciated Blog.  This annual competiton is sponsored by the blog, The Crescat. As they say in Chicago, “Vote early and vote often.” To view nominations and to … Continue reading

Posted in General Interest | 2 Comments

Attention Deacons!

“The servant of God cannot know how much patience and humility he has within himself as long as everything goes well for him. But when the time comes in which those who should do him justice do quite the opposite … Continue reading

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The De-Professionalization of Healthcare

One of the things that really bothers me in the field of contemporary healthcare has to do with Advanced Directives (AD) and their effect on the patient-professional relationship. At face value, one might say, ADs are an expression of the … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics and Morality | 1 Comment

Quote for the Day

“The Christian faith has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and left untried.” — G.K. Chesterton, Chapter 5, What’s Wrong With The World, 1910

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The Wiles of the Devil

Nowadays we tend not to want to speak of the devil and his deceptions. Many current (and erroneous) theologies would have us believe that the person of the devil does not exist, that he is a medieval artifact, and perhaps … Continue reading

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Attention Readers

Being rather computer ignorant (whereas my son is not) I hope I use the correct terminology when speaking “computerese.”  I’d like to draw your attention to  the “RSS” subscribe option now available on this webpage.  If you would like posts … Continue reading

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