If you ever get to Rome, take the opportunity to go to St. Peter’s square at night and stand in the middle of the piazza near the obelisk. Take in what will be an experience you cannot have during the daytime hours because of the crowds. You will feel alone and at the same time in the presence of the Church in a way that is hard to describe.
I recall doing this several times during my year and a half residence there. I would go there when I felt particularly stressed, and would walk back to my room (about a 20 minute walk up the Janiculum hill), refreshed. I always could be assured that the Pope’s light would be on in his apartment on the top floor of the papal palace. I doubt he got much sleep, as the light always seemed on.
Go and see for yourselves someday. It is worth the trip!
And pray for me as you stand there in awe.
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