Advent Longing for the Lord

Advent is a time for longing.  Longing for the Lord.  We are eager to see him, to be with him, to know him. He is coming.

St. Anselm today in his Proslogion writes:

“Teach me to search for you, and show yourself when I search; I cannot search for you if you do not teach me, nor find you if you do not show yourself. O that I may search for you desiring you and I might desire you searching for you, that I may find you loving you and love you finding you.”

Advent is a time of longing for the Lord.  It is a time to search and to find.

Our searching and our finding are done in love. We find the Lord because he loves us by revealing himself in our present circumstances and in the histories of our lives.  God teaches us how to search out of his love for us. This is the story of salvation history:  God showing us the way back to him, teaching us how to see and approach him and welcoming us home.

Come Lord Jesus! Maranatha!

About Deacon Bob

Moderator: Deacon Bob Yerhot of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota.
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