Category Archives: Politics

Minnesota for Marriage Video: Marriage and Small Business

Here is the latest of the series of videos explaining the importance of voting “Yes” on the Marriage Protection Amendment on the Minnesota ballot this November. Please view, be informed, and vote this fall!

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Supreme Court Upholds Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare

 The Supreme Court today upheld the Affordable Care Act, often called Obamacare. The United States Council of Catholic Bishops has released the following statement regarding it. DATE: June 28, 2012  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  BISHOPS RENEW PLEA TO CONGRESS AND ADMINISTRATION TO … Continue reading

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New Minnesota Marriage Minute Video

Here is the latest Minnesota Marriage Minute video discussing the legal fallout if the definition of marriage were to change.

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Bishop Salvador Cordileone Addresses the Bishops on Defense of Marriage

Bishop Salvador Cordileone addressed the full body of American bishops today, gathered for their biannual general assembly. Bishop Cordileone is the chairman of the Subcommittee for the Promotion and Defense of Marriage. His comments are worth presenting in their entirety … Continue reading

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Take a Look…..

Sometimes (usually?) a man or woman on the street can say it better than anyone else, such as when it comes to protecting marriage as the union of a man and a woman, as you see in this video. Take … Continue reading

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Minnesota Marriage Minute Video

Here is another video. Enjoy and learn!  

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The Scourge of Human Trafficking

It is not being reported in the press as far as I can ascertain, but an  an international meeting on human trafficking is being held as we speak in Quito, Ecuador. The meeting’s title is Meeting on human trafficking and smuggling … Continue reading

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“Man on the Street” Perspective on Marriage Amendment

(The following is a quote from Minnesota for Marriage, a broad coalition of leaders in the state who support the upcoming Minnesota Marriage Amendment that is on the ballot this fall.) The “Man on the Street” video series features voices … Continue reading

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Protest by Catholic Activists – The Hill’s Healthwatch

I want to thank Deacon Greg Kandra over at the Deacon’s Bench for bringing this article to my attention. It comes “The Hill,” the political paper of record in Washington, D.C. Here is an excerpt: Democrats want voters this year … Continue reading

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A Test By Fire – This November

Here is an excellent video regarding the issues that face us this November, and how we must be well-informed as we approach the ballot box. (It is released by Catholics Called to Witness. Web address is

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Minnesota Marriage Minute #15 – Equal in Dignity, Yet Different

Here is the latest Minnesota Marriage Minute video. Yes, men and women are equal in dignity, yet different in their sexual and parental roles. Take a look, and remember, vote “yes” this November on the Marriage Amendment!

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Anti-Catholic Bigotry in Minnesota

You may be aware that the University of Minnesota – Duluth will be hosting a play entitled, The Deputy written by Rolf Hochhuth. This play, which I have not read or seen personally, reputedly castigates Pope Pius XII and portrays … Continue reading

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Minnesota Marriage Minute # 12

Here is the next video on this topic, this one focused on the impact on the economy in Minnesota. Please go to the polls this November and vote “yes” on the Marriage Protection Amendment. Remember, leaving it blank counts as … Continue reading

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Charles Kadlec on the HHS Mandate and the First Amendment

Forbes magazine recently ran an article written by Charles Kadlec that rather eloquently explains why the Church cannot accept the HHS mandate forcing it to pay for contraception, sterilizations and abortifacient drugs. I encourage you to read the entire article at: … Continue reading

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Latest Letter from Cardinal Dolan and the USCCB on the HHS Mandate and Religious Liberty

Here is a recent letter from Cardinal Dolan on the HHS mandate. I would ask you to caredfully read it, be informed, and become active in protecting our religious liberty which is seriously at stake here. The highlighted link is … Continue reading

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