Category Archives: Ecclesiology

Hats Off to Fr. Ted

There is an 18 minute video making its way around the blogsphere of a conversation a woman had with a young priest from the diocese of Kalamazoo, Michigan about a whole host of things ranging from Vatican II, the whole … Continue reading

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Our Brothers and Sisters in Africa

I would like to mention that Brother Nicodemus of the Congregation of Brothers of Our Lady Mother of Mercy, left a comment on a post I did last May on Blessed Anuarite, whom I described as the St. Maria Goretti … Continue reading

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Holy Father Establishes the Personal Ordinariate of The Chair of St. Peter

Today, the Holy Father formally established the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter. Let me try to explain. For quite sometime, some of the Anglican Church here in the United States, and elsewhere in the world, have wanted … Continue reading

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St. Augustine, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the Dignity of the Church

An excerpt from St. Augustine’s Discourses was offered today for our consideration in the Office of Readings for the Memorial of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is a feast that is quite ancient in the Eastern Churches … Continue reading

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A Re-Wording of the Spirit of Vatican II

I was listening this morning to a Catholic talk radio station. The host was interviewing someone who described the effect of Vatican II with a term I have not heard before used in this context: Protestantism. At first, I thought I … Continue reading

Posted in Church History, Ecclesiology | 3 Comments

Who Are We? “We Are Catholic!” – An Inspiring Video

I ran across this stunning video that says it all when it comes to answering the question, “Who are we Catholics?” Log on to: We Are Catholic. This is definitely worth two minutes of your time to view. It resonates … Continue reading

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A Mark of Orthodoxy

Ran across a great description of orthodoxy today, written by Fr. John Hardon. Here is what he says: “As a mark of orthodoxy, the Church’s catholicity is part of a mysterious paradox whereby the same essential faith and worship are … Continue reading

Posted in Deacons, Dogmatic Theology, Ecclesiology, Evangelization | 1 Comment

Prisoners of the Lord in the Bond of Unity

My thoughts in recent days have been turning back to unity in the Church. With all the distress over John Corapi and the divisions that seem to have developed among some surrounding it all, I can only hope that the fractures … Continue reading

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If One is a Source of Division and Discord….

I want to share a quote today from St. Clement I on how to respond if one is seen as a source of division and animosity within the Church. This is my translation of the Italian text I used. “Who … Continue reading

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Pope St. Clement I on Church Unity

Today’s Office of Readings includes a selection from Pope Clement I’s letter to the Corinthians, written not long after the original twelve Apostles lived. It is a splendid reflection on unity within the Church. As always, I use an Italian … Continue reading

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“That Which Saves is Unity”

In today’s Office of Readings we are given a selection on the Canticle of Canticles written by St. Gregory of Nyssa, one of the Fathers of the Eastern Church. It is a wonderful reflection on the gift of unity that … Continue reading

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Catholics Come Home! We Welcome You!

To all who are thinking of the Catholic Church but have questions, listen and see. To all who have left the Church, coming home has never been easier. We are family. We welcome you. Please listen to the talk given by … Continue reading

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Have We Lost a Generation?

The conference titled “Lost? Twenty-somethings in the Church” co-sponsored by Fordham Center on Religion and Culture and the Francis and Ann Curran Center for American Catholic Studies is getting a little blog time among us Catholic weblog editors. This conference … Continue reading

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It is the Lord who builds the Temple

Today’s Old Testament selection in the Office of Readings speaks of the building of the Temple by Solomon. As you recall, his father, David, wanted to build the Temple and got the go ahead from the prophet Nathan until Nathan … Continue reading

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The Continuity of the Church

The Holy Father had an interesting comment during last Wednesday’s general audience. He spoke of St. Bonaventure and the Franciscans, but then tied into that the reality of the continuity of the Church throughout the centuries. I have translated the … Continue reading

Posted in Church News, Ecclesiology, Popes | 2 Comments