Monthly Archives: August 2012

I Want to Live, I Want to Love and Die For You

A number of months ago I ran across this catchy song by I Nomadi, a group from Italy that has been playing together for forty years. The song’s name is Io Voglio Vivere which translated means, I Want To Live. I know it is … Continue reading

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Deacon Bob’s Homily: 19th Sunday of Ordinary Time – Cycle B

Here is my homily for this weekend. Audio: 19th Sunday of Ordinary Time – Cycle B Text: 19th Sunday of Ordinary Time – Cycle B 1Kings 19: 4-8; Eph 4: 30 – 5: 2; John 6: 41-51 August 11/12, 2012 Have … Continue reading

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Courage – The Church’s Ministry to Men and Women with Same-Sex Attractions – A Personal Account

As I have mentioned in previous posts, the Catholic Church has a wonderful ministry called Courage that provides emotional, psychological and spiritual support to men and women experiencing same-sex attractions. More and more dioceses in the United States are establishing … Continue reading

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R.I.P. Msgr. Ralph Beiting

I learned that Msgr. Ralph Beiting died yesterday. Beiting was the founder of the Christian Appalachian Project (CAP) and was a Catholic missionary in eastern Kentucky since 1950. My sister spent a year working with Msgr. Beiting in the 1980s. … Continue reading

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To Know Jesus is to Embrace the Cross – Teresa Benedicta of the Cross

Our Gospel reading at Mass today is the familiar story in Matthew of Peter’s confession of faith that Jesus in the Messiah, only seconds later to be rebuked by Jesus for not realizing that this requires the Cross. “Get behind … Continue reading

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Minnesota Marriage Minute – Government has a Role?

Here is another video providing explanation why the Marriage Amendment is so important in our State. It reminds us that government has a legitimate role to play in protecting marriage as a union of a man and a woman. Be … Continue reading

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Quote for the Day

“If we don’t save marriage, things will get very dark. The idea that you can change the definition of marriage is a lie. If our society accepts this lie, it will fall.” – Archbishop-designate Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco

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Quote for the Day

“Praise to you, my Lord, through those who forgive one another in your love and who bear sickness and trials. Blessed are they who live on in peace, for they will be crowned by you, Most High!” — St. Francis … Continue reading

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The HHS Mandate vs a Family Business

Here is a story of things to come if the HHS mandate requiring employers to provide insurance coverage for abortion, contraception and sterilization (regardless of the employers religious beliefs) is allowed to remain. I think this court case is going … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics and Morality, Human Development and Life, Politics, Religious Freedom | 8 Comments

What Do Men and Women on the Street Say about the Marriage Amendment?

Here is an interesting video capturing what men and women in Minnesota are saying about the Minnesota Marriage Amendment!

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Minnesota Marriage Minute – Look at What Occurred in Canada

This video takes a look at the impact “same-sex marriage” laws have had in Canada in the past number of years. Please view this Minnesota Marriage Minute video, be informed, think clearly and cast your “yes” vote in November. Remember, … Continue reading

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