Who is Lord in Your Life?

Our first reading for Mass today (Romans 14: 7-12) challenges us to ask, “Who is Lord in my life?”

God has poured his life and love into our lives at our baptism. His fidelity to us is unquestionable. We all will probably say that Jesus Christ is the Lord, and truly he is. I would suggest, though, that we give some time reflecting on whether we will, today, actually live in a manner indicative of his Lordship.

At it’s foundation, making Jesus the Lord of our lives is an act of will made possible by God’s grace. We have to decide, consciously, to put the God of our fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and Jacob, the God of the patriarchs, the God of Mary and Joseph, the God who has revealed himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit as the Lord in all that we do. We must cling faithfully to that decisive act of will through thick and thin.

But we are called to something even more profound. We are called to develop a relationship of passionate love for God as Father, Son and Spirit. A loving relationship that captures us for all eternity. A longing for God.

So, how do we know if God is truly our Lord?

Ask yourself honestly when you pray the Our Father whether you might be praying something like this: “Our Father, who art in heaven hallowed be thy name. My kingdom come. My will be done and please bless it!” If this is our prayer, perhaps we haven’t given Jesus his proper place in our lives. 

Ask yourself this question: If someone were to come to you and offer you a place of complete happiness (and be able to deliver on the promise) but told you that Jesus would not be present in that place, would you want to go? If you answer “Yes” then perhaps Jesus is not Lord in your life.

Let us pray for each other as we grow in our relationship with God, let us sustain each other in the difficulties of Christian life, and rejoice with one another in the wonders of God’s love in the life of his Son, Jesus Christ.


About Deacon Bob

Moderator: Deacon Bob Yerhot of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota.
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