“The Word of God is both Living and Powerful”

St. Baldwin of Canterbury writes in today’s Office of Readings,

“The word of God is living; the Father gave it life in itself, just as he has life in himself. For this reason it not only is alive, but it is life….It is powerful in creation, powerful in the government of the universe, powerful in the redemption of the world. For what is more powerful, more effective? Who shall speak of its power; who shall make all its praises heard? It is powerful in what it accomplishes, powerful when preached. It does not come back empty…” (St. Baldwin of Canterbury, Tract.6: PL 204)

This would be a good meditation the morning before preaching for all us deacons, priests and bishops. 

The awesome responsibility and privilege of giving voice to the Word of God!

About Deacon Bob

Moderator: Deacon Bob Yerhot of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota.
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