Much is written about diaconal kenosis, that is, radical self-emptying, self-donation for the sake of the other in the manner of Jesus who emptied himself of all trappings of his divinity in taking on our flesh for our salvation. This kenotic outpouring of a deacon’s life then is a reflection of the Trinitarian life of God Himself. God is so giving of himself, Father to Son and Son to Father that the Holy Spirit is present and the Triune God is revealed.
The thought that a deacon’s spirituality draws him into divine Trinitarian life reminds us of the dignity and depth of diaconal life. We share in the priesthood of Jesus Christ by our self-sacrifice, our self-effacement for the sake of others.
It demands we develop a spirit of humility and authority that are profound but without imposition. We seek not honors or titles or grand placement. We must put aside our egos. We become Icons of Jesus the Servant.
A deacon is kenotic in his service at the Eucharistic altar but most especially in the hidden moments of service to the poor and the forgotten. A deacon is truly deacon when he ministers in the background.
Our authority comes from our bishop. And we need speak boldly when proclaiming the Gospel in the liturgical assembly and when we preach the Word in homily. No time for timidness here. Our bishop sends us forth to preach and teach. But we must remember that we are merely the sound, the voice, not the Word. Our voices must evaporate after we have proclaimed the Word who takes up residence in the hearer.
We diminish as Jesus grows.
The Holy Spirit renders our lives effective if we are attuned to the Word of the Father, and as bearers of that Word, we revere the Father who sends us forth. Our spirituality gives witness in this way to the life of the Trinity.
God help us in this wonderful vocation.
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