One Man’s Long-standing Protest

I read today that Fr. Carl Kabat, OMI was arrested on August 6 in Weld County, Colorado after having trespassed onto a US missile site. He was later convicted and sentenced to time served.

Fr. Kabat is 76 years old. He has spent over fifteen years in jail for numerous faith witnesses challenging U.S. nuclear weapons policy. His latest arrest came after he, dressed in his usual clown suit, cut a hole in a fence surrounding a missile silo and left a message on the fence.

The prosecuting attorney is said to have asked him, “Are you above the law?”

Fr. Kabat replied, “All wrong law, yes. God’s law is above all these man-made things.”

Can’t argue Father’s logic. We must oppose any man-made law that is in contradiction of God’s divine law or natural law. One could argue with the manner in which Fr. Kabat goes about it, I suppose.

But then, sometimes our arguments are simply ways of excusing our own inaction.

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About Deacon Bob

Moderator: Deacon Bob Yerhot of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota.
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