Health Care Debate

It is being reported that the House of Representatives has passed a health care reform bill by a close vote. It includes the Stupak amendment which, according to the Library of Congress “prohibits federal funds for abortion services in the public option. It also prohibits individuals who receive affordability credits from purchasing a plan that provides elective abortions. However, it allows individuals, both who receive affordability credits and who do not, to separately purchase with their own funds plans that cover elective abortions.” (See

Unfortunately, another effort to include medical coverage for all residents of the United States failed. Thus, undocumented persons are excluded.

It becomes much easier to support health care reform now, given what I understand to be a firm prohibition codified into the proposed law against public funding of abortion. The remaining question to me remains whether or not the bill forwarded to the Senate will in fact deliver what it promises, especially to those most in need, and whether the Senate reworking of the bill will drop the Stupak amendment, etc.  In other words, the devil is in the details.

Take the time to become informed, and advocate for the right to health care for all, from conception to natural death.

God help us get this right.

About Deacon Bob

Moderator: Deacon Bob Yerhot of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota.
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