Monthly Archives: January 2009

St. Anthanasius and Creation

The second reading from the Office of Readings today is taken from St. Anthansius’ “Discourse Against the Pagans”.  There are a couple of catching sentences.  I am translating from the Italian text: “In fact, it is right that creation should be made … Continue reading

Posted in Christology, Saints and Prophets | 1 Comment

Artificial Nutrition and Hydration

The most recent issue of Ethics and Medics,  published by the National Catholic Bioethics Center on Health Care and the Life Sciences, wades into the whole area of the ethics of withdrawing tubing feeding and hydration of a patient who is “permanently unconscious”.   … Continue reading

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Quote for the Day

“The sooner we realize our predicament, that we are indeed lost, then the sooner God can put us to work for Him.”  –Warren Rose, OFM I agree with Warren to a degree.  We truly are lost without Christ whom we … Continue reading

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Wisdom and Awe of God

The Office of Readings for the start of Ordinary Time begins with the book of Sirach, and Sirach begins with a discourse on Wisdom. Most of us have read and heard this before, but it is worth reading and hearing … Continue reading

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Miracles and Faith

Our pastor this morning, fresh from retreat, put this question to us at Mass:  “Is our faith deep enough to expect a miracle in answer to our prayers?”  He said God never forces his love on us; we must be … Continue reading

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Wisdom as We Conclude the Christmas Season

I was struck by the reading for Morning Prayer today. Tomorrow ends our Christmas season, and today, the second to the last day, our scripture from Lauds is taken from the book of Wisdom.  It reads: “Wisdom is the refulgence … Continue reading

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Immigration and Catholic Social Teaching – An archbishop’s thoughts

I ran across another very interesting address about Catholic social teaching and immigration in this country. This one was given by Archbishop Jose H. Gomez, S.T.D., of San Antonio at the Annual Assembly of the Missouri Catholic Conference on October … Continue reading

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Quote of the Day

“The more you lose yourself in contemplation of God, the more yourself do you really become” –Murray Bodo, OFM I would be interested in how my readers would describe their own experiences of contemplation and becoming more fully who they are called … Continue reading

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Live Without Fear!

Life’s events of late have brought me to thinking about finding the will of God by letting go of my attempts to control the future.  The attempts I often make to control only lead to increased fear and anxiety despite the fact I would … Continue reading

Posted in General Interest, Prayer and Meditation | 2 Comments

Lessons from the Magi

There is a lot to meditate on when it comes to the three wise men, but the one thing I would like to suggest is how each of them, kings according to legend, somehow knew that they themselves had to … Continue reading

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Abortion and a Catholic Political Family

A fellow blogger has posted an interesting piece on the Kennedys and their support of abortion rights despite their Catholicism. He cites a Wall Street Journal article, and references a 1964 meeting in Hyannisport, Mass. where several well-know Jesuit theologians … Continue reading

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Saint of the Day Quote

January 2 is the feast day of Sts. Basil and Gregory. St. Basil, in his tract on the Holy Spirit, has a beautiful line about divine nature. He wrote,  “As the Father is made visible in the Son, so is … Continue reading

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Daily Reflections

If you haven’t already discovered it, the United States Council of Catholic Bishops provides a daily video reflection on the Mass readings.  Today’s reflection is about John the Baptist knowing who he is and who he isn’t, and how we need … Continue reading

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Quotes From the Holy Father

A couple of quotes from Pope Benedict’s homily for the Mass of the Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God (my translation from Italian original): “…the earthly history of Jesus…is the beginning of a new world, because he really inaugurated … Continue reading

Posted in Popes | 1 Comment

New Year Blessing and a Word of Concern

I wish all of you a Happy New Year!  May it be one filled with the strength of the Holy Spirit, the Truth who is Jesus, and the providential protection of our Father.  And may Mary, the Mother of God, … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | 2 Comments