Iraqi Christian Martyrs

As I had posted a number of months ago how a number of terrorists broke into a Catholic church in Baghdad killing the pastor and many parishioners. Two of the killed were a newly wedded couple who had come back to the church to speak to the priest who had witnessed the marriage.

While this hit the international headlines, many other killings of our Catholic brothers and sisters have taken place in that country in the past several years.

I saw on Deacon Scott Dodge’s blog, Catholicos Diakonos, a ribbon honoring those who have died for their faith in Iraq. The emblem is a stark reminder that there are many in today’s world who suffer martyrdom because they believe in Jesus Christ and his Church on earth.

May we not fail to turn to them and ask them to pray for us that we too may be firm in our faith and in our witness to the death and resurrection of our Lord.

About Deacon Bob

Moderator: Deacon Bob Yerhot of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota.
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