Pope Benedict XVI to the Youth of Germany

The Holy Father has been in his homeland of Germany this past week. He spoke to the German Parliament a few days ago, and he also spoke the the youth, to seminarians, to the Orthodox, and others during his time there.

I would like to offer you a brief excerpt from his comments to the youth. I am translating the Italian report from L’Avvenire (www.avvenire.it).

You are the light of the world because Jesus is your light…. Have the courage to use your talents and your gifts for the Reign of God and to give yourselves – like wax to the candle – so that through you the Lord may illuminate the darkness… dare to be saints on fire in whom eyes and hearts shine with the love of Christ so that light may be carried into this world. I am confident that you and may others in Germany may be a torch of hope that does not remain hidden.

Like wax to a candle… To spend ourselves in that way.

A wonderful image for our meditation today.

About Deacon Bob

Moderator: Deacon Bob Yerhot of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota.
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