19th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Cycle C, 2022

Here is my homily for this weekend. God bless you all!

19th Sunday of Ordinary Time – Cycle C

Wis 18: 6-9; Heb 11: 1-2, 8-19; Lk 12: 32-48

August 6/7, 2022

You know, I am feeling a little like Lazarus in recent days. You know about Lazarus, the friend of Jesus who died and Jesus didn’t make the funeral. He came four days late, and he wept. Then he called out rather forcefully, “Lazarus! Come out!” He raised him from the dead. Lazarus was all bound up though. Burial clothes. I can imagine Lazarus hearing the voice of his friend, waking up and trying to “come forth” only to stumble around because he was bound. “Here I come. Can’t move though. Burial clothes binding me.” “Lazarus, come out!” Jesus repeated. “I’m trying! But I am bound up. Pretty scary in this tomb and not being able to get out.” “Lazarus, come out!” Jesus says a third time. Now Lazarus is scared. Can’t move. Can’t respond. Then he hears Jesus say the words he needs. “Get rid of that stone that blocks his way. Unbind him and set him free!”

We too get all anxious and scared when we cannot move freely. We get scared when we hear God calling us and we can’t seem to get off first base.

That is why today’s Gospel is so important, I think. Jesus says to us today: “Do not be afraid any longer, little flock, for your Father is pleased to give you the Kingdom.”

Similar words were proclaimed that day in October, 1978 by now St. John Paul II in his homily for his Installation Mass. I know. I was there. I heard it with my own ears. He said, in Italian, “Non avete paura! Spalancate le porte a Cristo!” which in English means, “Do not fear! Open wide the doors to Christ!”  He implied what Jesus said, i.e., “Come out of the tomb. Get rid of the stone door. Unbind him. Set him free!”

These are words our world desperately needs to hear, a world so bound up by fear. God is telling us not to fear any longer what we have feared for so long, because He is giving us his Kingdom, no less!

What role does fear play in your life? Some say it is fear that binds us and keeps us from the Kingdom. For example: Some say that fear activates all the vices and sins in life. We fear getting caught, therefore we lie. We fear not having something, so we steal it. We fear loneliness, so we commit adultery. We fear the future, so we become stingy and lacking in charity. We fear what people have done to us and others in the past, so we lose hope in humankind. And on and on…

One thing is for sure: Fear binds us, and Jesus frees us!

Jesus tells us in the Gospel that we have no need to fear, that he will provide all we need if we trust him. In fact, he will wait on us in our need! He is reminding us that whereas fear gives rise to sin —as we hear in the last verses of today’s Gospel— faith gives rise to all virtues —as we hear in the first verses.

For example: We speak the truth because we believe truth is from God. We love because we have faith in love’s power to redeem. We are generous with others because we have faith in God’s providence, in his care for us. We are patient with others because we believe all things work together in God’s will. We have hope because we trust God’s promises.

It is faith which unbinds us and overcomes our fear.  It is only when we banish fear from our lives can we with hopeful, faithful expectation be prepared to immediately open the doors of our lives and come forth when He calls us. When we are rid of the fear that binds us we will be able to avoid the sins that fear generates in our lives, sins against God’s will that are described in today’s Gospel.

So I ask you, do you believe? Do you have faith, or are you bound up with fear? Do you truly believe that God loves you so much that He has given you his Kingdom, and nothing less? 

What is God’s Kingdom? God’s Kingdom is a kingdom of peace. It is a kingdom of justice. It is a kingdom where there is Jew and Greek, slave and free. It is a kingdom where all are one and share in the same Holy Spirit. It is a kingdom of joy, a kingdom of love, a kingdom of hope. It is an everlasting kingdom.

Where is God’s kingdom? Gods’ kingdom is here and now. It is present on earth and in heaven. “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” It is present everywhere where God’s will is done. It is present deep within you if you are in a state of grace. It is present in sacramental marriages, in your families, in this parish, in our diocese, indeed in our Church.

Who is God’s Kingdom? God’s Kingdom is Jesus. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is the Kingdom, the full revelation of the Father on earth. He is the full expression of God’s will, the full expression of God’s love for each and every one of us. When we listen to and see Jesus, we listen to and see everything that God the Father wishes to reveal to us this side of heaven. Jesus is the way to the Father. Jesus is the way to heaven where we will see God face to face in all his glory and splendor, in an unveiled manner, in a brilliant and unimaginable way. The Church, the Mystical Body of Christ, is the Kingdom of God now present to us, given us by God the Father for our salvation.
Do you believe this?

Only with faith will we be free to, as the Gospel tells us we must do, place our real treasure in heaven and not in things of this world. Only if we come to believe that the Kingdom of God is among us and is immensely richer than anything we now have, will we be prepared to do his will and act with mercy toward others, especially those who are most difficult to love. Only if we believe that it is in Jesus Christ and in his Church that we find grace, mercy and salvation, will we dispel all our fears. Only if we come to know that Jesus is the Christ and the Church is his faithful true witness will we find peace.

“Fear not little flock, for your Father is pleased to give you the Kingdom.”
Yes, with faith we cast out all our fears and we grow in virtue. Without faith, without virtue, without Jesus, without the Church we succumb to sin.

Do not fear. Live in the presence of God all the days of your lives, and in peace confidently look to the future when we hope to be in the presence of God and all his angels and saints in heaven.

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Deacon Bob’s Introduction Homily

Here is my introduction homily to the people of St. Mary Church, Caledonia

 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C

Introduction Homily

July 2022

I am Deacon Bob Yerhot, and Bishop Quinn has sent me to St. Mary’s and to St. Patrick’s. What an honor for me to be among all of you!  St. Paul’s words to the people of Thessalonica echo in my ears today, “Rejoice always! Pray without ceasing! Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (1Th 5:16-18) I have been rejoicing, praying, and giving thanks ever since I first heard I would be coming to you as your deacon. Actually, this is not my first connection with St. Mary’s. Back in 1985, I worked for Catholic Charities and I staffed an office one day a week here at the parish. Father Kunz let me use his office, and Mrs. Mabel Gullien fixed my lunch when I was here. I have very fond memories of those days! I was shown such hospitality! The desserts from the Caledonia bakery were unforgettable!

I am sure there are many questions you have about me, so here is a short autobiography:

I grew up the oldest of seven in Waseca County in south central Minnesota on a farm where I learned at an early age the importance of manual labor, hard work, and the care of animals and the fields.  After I graduated from High School, I studied at St. Mary’s College in Winona and the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. I then worked for several years at a printing company, and was married. I became the father of two great kids, John and Rebecca, and I have four grandchildren.  I knew I wanted to work with people, so I left printing and went to the University of Minnesota for a graduate degree and became a psychotherapist at Gundersen Clinic where I retired in 2015 after 34 years practicing psychotherapy. I have lived in Dakota since 1986. I felt the call to the diaconate in 2005, and was ordained 13 years ago and have been active in ministry all those years at Crucifixion Parish La Crescent, and for about 5 years at St. Patrick’s in Brownsville.  I was the assistant director of the diaconate for the diocese for a number of years. I write and publish articles on diaconal spirituality, am a columnist for the magazine The Deacon, and I work with deacons and theologians across the country in developing an Institute for Diaconal Renewal at Franciscan University of Steubenville. I give deacon retreats and am in training to become a spiritual director. Yes, I am a busy man, but I love it all! I love being a deacon, a dad, a grandpa, and the son of a farmer! (The people with whom I am most comfortable are farmers.)

I am sure you have a lot of questions about deacons in general.  I know Father Wagner printed a series of great explanations in your bulletin. The first question people always ask is, “What can deacons do?”

Here is the list of things we can do: deacons assist at Mass, proclaim the Gospel, preach homilies, baptize children, witness marriages, bury the dead, bring Holy Communion to the sick and dying, preside at adoration and benediction, and bless rosaries, medals, homes, and people.

Here is a list of things deacons cannot do: “Say Mass” meaning consecrate the bread and wine, absolve people of their sins, anoint the sick, be the pastor of a parish.

Here is the more important question, “Who are deacons?” The Scriptures give us a couple of deacon images that may help answer the question.

We heard in the Gospel today: “At that time the Lord appointed seventy-two others whom he sent ahead of him in pairs to every town and place he intended to visit…. Whatever town you enter… eat what is set before you, cure the sick in it and say to them, ‘The Kingdom of God is at hand for you.” (Lk 10:1, 9-10) What a great description of deacons!

Deacons are sent by the bishop to places he intends to go. The bishop ordains us and sends us, just like Jesus sent the seventy-two, to be his envoy, to be his ambassador, to preach in his absence the Kingdom of God. Deacons are obedient sons of the bishop and we go where the he sends us and we preach the Gospel there, and in that way “cure” the sick by strengthening their faith or connecting them to the Church. When we are ordained, the bishop literally tells us that we are heralds of the Gospel which we must read, believe, and teach. He sends us to do just that.

Deacons must always give witness to — speak about and be willing to die for— Jesus. Deacons must tell everyone about Him. Deacons are to tell those who are in doubt that Jesus died and rose for them and He is alive and present. Deacons are sacramental heralds of the Good News. So, one thing you will probably notice about me is I will be talking a lot about Jesus and the Gospel!

There is another great image of who deacons are in Scripture.

We read about the day Jesus died. We hear about him carrying the Cross all the way to Golgotha. Jesus bore the Cross. He carried the wood of the Cross and the weight of our sins. He gave Himself as a ransom for our sins and gave us eternal life. But in the Gospels, we find another man that day: Simon of Cyrene. You know the story. Simon carried that same wooden cross with Jesus. Simon carried that same cross so close to Jesus that he had to have smelled and tasted Jesus’ sweat and blood as it splashed against his own face that day. Simon heard the same sounds that Jesus heard. Simon heard Jesus groan in agony. Simon felt the same whip. He saw the same crowds. He heard the same words coming from the people. Simon carried the Cross cheek to cheek, side by side with our Lord. Jesus and Simon were so close that day that they labored as one man under the Cross. Here was the difference between them: Simon did not offer the sacrifice (Jesus did), nor was he the victim of the sacrifice (Jesus was), but he assisted in that sacrifice and did it at the risk of his own life and reputation. Then after the sacrifice was made, Simon bore witness to it all. Ancient tradition tells us that Simon of Cyrene preached the Gospel. He proclaimed to the world what he experienced that day with Jesus. Simon is an image of who a deacon should be.

So, in some way, I must imitate Simon. In some way, Father Wagner and I must carry the Cross together, I as deacon and he as priest. I hope you see in Father and me a priest and a deacon carrying the Cross for you.  I must be like Simon of Cyrene, and Father must be like Jesus! What a great honor it is to carry the Cross with Father, to assist at the sacrifice of the Mass, and then to preach to you what God has done in Jesus Christ.

In conclusion, one of the worst things a deacon can do is preach himself, his own gospel, in order to make himself look good or acceptable. One of the worst things a preacher can do is advance himself. I pray that as I begin my ministry with you, I never do such a thing. I pray that when I stand at this ambo to proclaim the Kingdom of God I preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and not my own gospel. I pray that when I stand at this altar I always do so in humility.

So now, I begin my ministry among you.  Pray for me, as I will for you every day. May God bless you all!

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Church of the Week

St. Clare Catholic Church, Greenleaf, Wisconsin (Photo: R. Yerhot)
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Deacon Bob’s Farewell Homily

Here is my farewell homily to the people of Crucifixion Parish. Thank you, and God bless each of you!


13th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C

Farewell Homily

1Kings 19:16b, 19-21; Gal 5:1, 13-18; Luke 9:51-62

June 25/26, 2022


Taking leave, moving on, being guided by and following the Holy Spirit, loving your neighbor … these seem to be the themes in today’s scriptures. I don’t think there could be more fitting readings for me upon which to reflect today, as I take leave of all of you and move on to a new parish, new people, and new ministry.

I am “resolutely determined” as St Luke said (Luke 9:51) to journey on to proclaim as best I can the kingdom of God in Brownsville and Caledonia where my bishop has sent me.

I am struck today by our Lord’s words. He said we should look ahead to the future, and not to the past. There is a part of me that protests. I say, “Lord, let me take my leave of the parish I have served for 13 years.” Gratefully, He is giving me that opportunity today, but He reminds with insistence, “Go! Proclaim the Kingdom of God in Caledonia and Brownsville.”

Thirteen years ago, I stood here at this ambo for the first time to proclaim God’s Kingdom to you. I remember that day distinctly. Today, I am doing so for the final time. I truly hope that when I have stood here over the years I have indeed preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and not my own gospel. I pray that I have gotten out of the way of God doing His work through me. One of the worst things a preacher can do is proclaim himself, advance himself and his own agenda so as to make himself look good and likeable at the expense of the Truth Who is Jesus Christ Crucified. I pray I have not done such a thing, and ask forgiveness if I have. I hope I have been humble. I pray that in some way my presence and my preaching have given you a glimpse of Jesus Christ our Lord in your midst.

You have given me much. Standing at the foot of the altar on Good Fridays and holding the Cross for you to venerate, I have seen expressions of faith witnessed by me and unseen to you. I have given you the Body and Blood of Jesus and seen how you have yearned for Him. I have baptized your children, married some of you, and buried family members. I have shared your meals. I have been welcomed by you. In these ways, you have solidified my faith, renewed my hope, and given me examples of how to live in love. I thank you!

All the staff at Crucifixion has been a great support to me. The teachers at the school have been all smiles and welcoming. The musicians have inspired me. My brother Knights have become men of increasing importance, and I desire to remain active in the local Council.

I am especially appreciative of the two pastors with whom I have served. Fathers Havel and Evans are brothers to me. We share the same Sacrament of Holy Orders and we have together worked collaboratively. Both of them have supported my diaconal ministry. Thank you, Fathers!

Yes, I am leaving you now in order to follow the path God has marked out for me. I am moving on to be hopefully guided by the Holy Spirit and by a love for others.

As the Scriptures remind me:

I cannot put my hand to the plow without faith. I pray for such faith.

I cannot resolutely move forward in life without hope. I pray for such hope.

I cannot follow the Lord and be guided by the Holy Spirit without love. I pray for such love.

I ask for your prayers. Pray for me! I need your prayers.

I urge you to “stand firm in your faith!” (Gal 5:1) Do not go back to the slavery of sin and infidelity! Love one another! Live in unity by accepting the Holy Spirit!

Finally, I echo St. Paul’s words. “Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (1 Th 5: 16-18).



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Deacon Bob’s Homily for the 5th Sunday of Easter, Cycle C

Here is my homily for the weekend. God bless you!

5th Sunday of Easter, Cycle C

May 14/15, 2022

Acts 14:21-27; Rev 21:1-5a; John 13:31-33a, 34-35

“It is necessary for us to undergo many hardships to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” Acts 14:22

“Behold! I make all things new. The old order has passed away.” Rev 21:4-5

“I give you a new commandment: love one another.” John 13:34

How many of us have tried to make a change in our lives? Maybe it was to lose weight and take up regular exercise to improve our health. Maybe it was to become more patient with someone. Maybe, it was to try to root out of our lives a bad habit, or a particular sin. Have you ever tried to change a sinful lifestyle or relationship?

It is hard to change, especially if we have a lot invested in some old way of living. We know how hard it is to change who we are, whether it is to lose weight, change our lifestyle if we are caught up in a sinful life, to rid ourselves of our habits of sin, to become more loving and patient…. The examples are numerous. We come up with all sorts of rationalizations, all sorts of reasons not to change, and the devil loves it when we do. We all know how familiar the “old order” is and how hard it is to become a “new man or woman.” The old is familiar, the new is uncomfortable. On our own, we will end up choosing the familiar old ways, even if they are not good.

Only by God’s grace are we made into new creatures… only through the grace of our baptisms, and faith in that grace.

Yes, the enormity of our baptism! We forget its importance. We forget its implications. We forget how necessary it is that we be converted to God and live in freedom through the doors of hardship and struggle.

“It is necessary for us to undergo many hardships to enter the Kingdom of God.”

We are baptized! We are no longer who we once were! We are new creatures and this newness matures only after we undergo many hardships in life.

People of God, the fullness of the Gospel includes the Cross, the passage from death to life, the willingness to face hardships  and remain faithful, and to come out the other side of the struggle as a new man, a new woman. This is what the sacrament of baptism is all about, and this is what our lives must be about. For all of us!

No one who has ever embraced the Cross, who has embraced the hardships of life with faith, has ever remained the same person. No one. Such a person has always emerged as a new man, a new woman. The old man is gone.

“Behold, I make all things new!”

Of course, facing the Cross without faith only hardens us. It only embitters us. We all know this. We all have met such people. We all have met that person in ourselves sometimes. Faith in the midst of hardship is vital. It is what our world lacks today. Our world is filled with hardships and is weak in faith. We must be different.

I, and all other who have the burden of preaching the Gospel, must preach the whole Gospel, not just the parts that sound sweet and “tickles your ears.” It is too important to neglect the harder parts, and to settle for half-truths.

Should we be surprised at life’s hardships? Should we avoid them at all costs? Should we whimper and whine when our faith demands something difficult, when it demands a change of life, when it insists on a conversion and letting go of our favorite sins? When it tells us we must give up a sinful lifestyle? The answer must be “No!” to those questions.

We must see conversion as the road God lays out for us to arrive at glory. We must see the many hardships, the daily difficulties in living out our faith, the very difficult decisions to amend our ways and change basic things in our lives, as the way to newness of life, to glory, to fulfillment, to heaven itself.

For some of us this will require great sacrifices, big changes and giving up a lot. Accepting the truth and rejecting the lies that are circulating in our society today will be a struggle.

“I give you a new commandment: love one another.”

This is the great commandment to which we are bound. We must not reduce “love” to “being nice.” Being nice can be a part of love, but it doesn’t define it. To love is a decision to choose what is good for someone, i.e., to desire the good for a person. That which is good may not be easy for us to offer or for someone to accept, but we must want it for them anyway. We must tell them that we love them by showing them what is good, by speaking the truth, by never lying.

“Love, as I have loved you,” says Jesus. He loved us so much that he accepted the Cross. He loved us so much that he spoke the truth and told us we must change. He told us we must be converted, we must stop sinning, we must believe, and that we must come to experience his infinite mercy by changing our lives.

Love one another! We can and will do that if we have first loved God, and out of that love, love each other.

“Behold, I make all things new!”


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Deacon Bob’s Homily for Ash Wednesday 2022

Here is my homily for today. May all of you have a holy Lent!

Ash Wednesday, Cycle C

Joel 2:12-18; 2 Cor 5: 20-6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18

March 2, 2022

God asks us to pray, fast, and give alms. He wants us to give him our hearts and our lives, not because he needs anything from us, but because he wants us to know who he is and how to speak about him.

A student in Rome was standing before the main altar in St. Peter’s Basilica and the tomb of the Apostle, taking in the splendor and wonder of the building and all the pilgrims passing through it. A man came up to him from the Far East, and was thumbing through his tour guide in his native language. He turned to the student and asked, “What is this?” “It is St. Peter’s Basilica. Right down there is the tomb of Peter,” responded the student. The pilgrim started thumbing again through his tour book, and asked the student, “And who is this Peter?” The student explained that he was an apostle of Jesus. The pilgrim thumbed again through his book, and anxiously turned to the student once more and asked, “And who is this Jesus?” The student was stunned, and didn’t know what to say, never anticipating such a question. And who is this Jesus? Can you speak of him this Lent? Will you?

This may be the beginning of our story of Lent 2021. We often begin Lent not really knowing what to say about Jesus. We may be sleeping through our spiritual lives. When Easter comes we hopefully will understand better who Jesus is and what he has done for us; but between now to then, we need to clean our houses. We must be purified from all that keeps us tongue-tied or sleepy, and sacrifice some tightly-held, precious attitudes about ourselves and Jesus.

Jesus reveals himself to us during Lent, in whatever way he chooses. When he does, will we know what to say?

“Who do people say I am?” Jesus asks. Some say a great prophet. Others say a wise teacher. More and more people are saying he is a religious fiction. Jesus is asking us, “Who do you say that I am?” Do we know what to say, how to answer?

When Jesus reveals himself to you this Lent, he will smile and say, “Come, follow me. Come and see.” Follow him wherever he leads you. He may lead you up a beautiful high mountain, or he may lead you down into a dark valley like the Garden of Gethsemane, but wherever it will be, follow him. He is the way. If you follow him, you will know how to live; you will know how to love; you will know how to tell others about him.

Perhaps we need to remember what the Apostles preached. Jesus is the Son of God who was born among us, died for us, rose from the dead, ascended into heaven, and remains with us

always until the end of time.

As Pope St. Paul VI said years ago:

“I am bound to proclaim that Jesus … the Son of the living God. Because of him we come to know the God that we cannot see. He was born for us, died for us, and for us he rose from the dead…. a man of sorrow and hope, he know us and loves us. As our friend he stays by us throughout our lives; at the end of time he will come to be our judge; …. he will be the complete fulfillment of our lives and our great happiness for all eternity. …he is the way, the truth and the life. He is our bread, our source of living water who allays our hunger and satisfies our thirst. He is our shepherd, our leader, our ideal, our comforter and our brother.

He is like us but more perfectly human, simple, poor, humble… He spoke on our behalf; he worked miracles; and he founded a new kingdom: in it the poor are happy; peace is the foundation of a life in common; where the pure of heart and those who mourn are uplifted and comforted; the hungry find justice; sinners are forgiven; and all discover that they are brothers.

So once again I repeat his name to you…. and I proclaim to all men: Jesus Christ… [it] is Jesus Christ I preach day in and day out. His name I would see echo and reecho for all time even to the ends of the earth.”



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Deacon Bob’s Homily for 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C

Here is my homily for this weekend. God bless you!

 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C

1 Sm 26:2, 7-9, 12-13, 22-23; 1 Cor 15:45-49; Lk 6:27-38

February 19/20, 2022

Jesus seems to be really trying to drive home some challenging demands today. Notice He doesn’t suggest, He is saying straight out what we are to do and not do.

Perhaps it is helpful to focus on the three summary statements He makes, the three sentences that pull it all together for us.

Do to others what you would have done to you.

Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.

Forgive, and you will be forgiven.

There is something inside us that explains why we treat others in the ways we do. There is something within us that reflects how we treat each other.

If we struggle to show mercy to others, we usually first struggle to accept mercy in our lives.

If we struggle to forgive, we usually struggle to ask for and accept forgiveness for our sins.

If we struggle to be fair to others, we usually struggle to be fair to ourselves.

Look within for the answers! Don’t accuse and blame others and the world.

Look within! There you will find two things:

  1. The presence of God (if you are in a state of grace) or a horrible darkness (if you have sinned seriously).
  2. Places that need to be healed, forgiven, soothed with mercy, places to which God is reaching out.

Allow Jesus to heal you, to draw you close to Himself, to sustain you.

There is too much hurt out there and in here! Too many of us don’t appreciate just how much we have been wounded by life and others. All we have to do is look at our society, current events, and the impact all this technology are having on our hearts and our relationships with others. We minimize the impact. We pretend to be okay, and then wonder why we treat each other poorly, why we struggle to show mercy, why we hold grudges and feelings of anger and resentment.

There is too much of that out there and in here!

We must learn to pull back from always looking “out there” for the problems, and begin to look to God for the answers and ask Him to heal us.

Healed people heal others!

Wounded people wound others!

Jesus says give your cloak and your tunic if asked. We won’t do that if we have not been clothed in Christ.

Jesus says love those who hurt you. We will not do that if we have not let Jesus love us out of our sin.

Jesus says stop judging and condemning. We cannot do that if we don’t believe that we have a merciful judge in Christ.

Jesus says give abundantly. We cannot do that if we shut the door and not allow God’s grace to fill us.

Allow yourself forgiveness, mercy, and healing. Believe in the power of Jesus Christ and His grace. Come to the sources of forgiveness, mercy, and healing that Jesus gave us. I am referring to the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, Reconciliation, and Anointing of the Sick. These are powerful sources of healing. These are the sacraments that forgive sin, extend mercy, and can heal us.

Use them and be healed! You will be able to extend to others what you have received, what you have been given and accepted. You will begin to do what Jesus tells us in today’s Gospel.

Do to others what you would have done to you.

Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.

Forgive, and you will be forgiven.


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Deacon Bob’s Homily for the 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C

Here is  my homily for this weekend. God bless all of you!

6th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Cycle C

Jer 17; 5-8; 1 Cor 15:12, 16-20; Lk 6:17, 20-26

February 12/13, 2022


Tap into your imagination for a few minutes. Imagine yourself being present that day in the Gospel.

Imagine Jesus walking onto a large flat area. (We all have an image of Jesus. Long brown hair parted down the middle; thin, narrow nose; sandals and brown tunic.) Now, imagine a great crowd of people who following him from Judea, Jerusalem, and the coastal regions of Tyre and Sidon.

See that large group. Eighty-five percent are ordinary people, the hoi polloi, people you can barely tell apart, the poor and oppressed, Jewish folk but also many foreigners from Tyre and Sidon, all people without any real social value. Imagine the other 15% who came from Jerusalem, the important people, those society valued, no doubt quite remarkable.

What do you hear Jesus say? He blesses the common ones and he woes the important.

Imagine the looks on the faces of the people when they heard this.

Imagine hearing Jesus telling the insignificant people they are blessed when hated, excluded, insulted, and denounced. He tells those who are thrown away by society that they are blessed. He tells them to “rejoice and leap for joy!” They are perplexed because people rejoice in things that have value; they dance for joy only in good times. They wonder to themselves, “Do we have value? Are we good?”

Now imagine hearing Jesus telling the important people they that they should beware. They are perplexed. Why should they be concerned? They have good fortune, security, and their satisfaction in life?

Okay, now you can stop imagining. With which group of people did you identify? Did you feel blessed or woed?

The Beatitudes are a basis for the moral life, that is, how we are to live. What do we learn today?

If Jesus blesses the insignificant, the poor, the foreigner, and the oppressed, then so must we. If that is true, then who are those people we are to bless? Let me offer suggestions.  

The unborn. Many of us who say we are pro-life but are we willing to take in an unwanted child?

The terminally ill. How many of us want to be around someone who is dying?

The handicapped. How many of us see them as people with dignity, or do we only see their handicap?

The homeless. How many of us ignore them and their existence in our neighborhoods?

The migrant. How many of us deny them their human dignity?

Those who have injured us. How many of us demand revenge and repayment?

The mentally ill. How many of us pity them, but not love them?

Radical stuff…. stuff upon which we will be judged someday.

Now, I ask you to look at the crucifix. It is the last part of this homily. Who do you see?  Jesus, yes. Look deeper. Who do you see in Him?

Jesus was a “questionable pregnancy.” His mother Mary, about 14 years old, was found pregnant and the father was not Joseph. Can you imagine the scuttlebutt that went around? Questions about Mary’s character; questions about paternity. People thinking it was an unwanted pregnancy. How quickly we judge the circumstances of pregnant women and their children.

Jesus was a “terminal case” as he hung on the cross. He was dying. In fact, people wanted to hurry his death along. Be done with it before sundown. Put him out of his misery. People fled the scene rather than be around a dying man… everyone except Mary, John, and a few faithful women.

Jesus was a homeless man. He had nowhere to lay his head.

Jesus was a migrant. He had been a foreigner. He fled to Egypt for a better life. Just like migrants in our day.

Jesus was someone the Pharisees thought harmed them. They demanded vengeance… “Crucify him!” they shouted. “Show no mercy!”

Jesus was considered mentally ill by many who knew him, especially those from his home town we are told.

Yes, the crucifix is an explanation and meditation on the Beatitudes. It is a guide for the moral life. Put a crucifix in your home and look at it.

Do you now see why Jesus blessed all those common, insignificant people?

Do you see now why he woed the 15% who were the uncommon ones, the ones of high value in society?

Blessed is this parish!  A common but blessed parish!  Blessed are we who are hungry for the Eucharist!  Blessed are we who weep for our losses!  Blessed are we when we are excluded because we believe! We are worth more than we can possibly imagine! Blessed are we indeed.

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Deacon Bob’s Homily for The Baptism of the Lord 2022

Here is my homily for the weekend. God bless you!

Baptism of the Lord 2022

Isaiah 42: 1-4, 6-7; Acts 10:34-38;Luke 3: 15-16, 21-22

January 8/9, 2022


In the early years of the Church, whenever they spoke about Epiphany they were referring to three great events in the life of Jesus, not just the coming of the Magi. Yes, the three Magi saw God in a poor baby in a manger in Bethlehem and it was a great Epiphany.  But the early Church also said that when the newlyweds and guests at the wedding feast of Cana saw the Son of God in Jesus when he turned water into wine, it too was a great Epiphany. They also said that today’s feast was a great Epiphany.

When the people in Judea saw both God and Man in Jesus as He was baptized by his cousin John the Baptist and the Father spoke out loud that day, “You are my beloved son!” It was a great Epiphany.

Epiphanies are eye-opening events, a “wow” moments, times of clarity and recognition of the Truth, times of “Now I see, even though it is a mystery!”

The wise men, the wedding feast at Cana, and today’s feast of the Baptism of the Lord are all epiphanies.

When Jesus was baptized, it was not to receive forgiveness for He was sinless. He was baptized to reveal to us who He is — God and man — and to show us how much God the Father loves us.

Yes, it was a great consolation that day when Jesus revealed to us who he is and who we are by God’s grace and will.

The Magi, the Baptism of the Lord, and the wedding feast of Cana, and even the Transfiguration were all great epiphanies major revelations and consolations to us because epiphanies are moments of consolation in knowing that God is with us!

The “great epiphanies” may be over, but we need our own “minor epiphanies.” God knows this and so He gives them to us.

Let me describe to you one epiphany that frequently happens in this church: baptisms of children. Baptisms are epiphanies, stunning revelations of God’s power, love, and presence. God says to each child baptized, “You are my beloved child! With you I am well-pleased.” The Holy Spirit descends that child and he or she is completely spiritually transformed into a pure, brilliant, holy light. Baptism is spiritually so stunningly beautiful that if we could see the beauty with our physical eyes, it would be like looking into the sun. The beauty would be so overwhelming that we couldn’t take it all in because it is the beauty of God Himself. In baptism God the Father makes each child an epiphany. He wants to reveal himself to the world in the child who bears his image and will grown into his likeness. God says to the child, “I give you new eyes — the eyes of faith — I give you new ears — ears open to my words —so you may see me in all things and hear me speak to you. I show myself to you! Now, go and reveal me to others.”

It is difficult to really understand and accept how loved you are by God. Words cannot fully describe it. It is easy to understand how much God loves an innocent child, but harder to understand the same for us as adults. So, sometimes God gives us a personal “epiphany” moment when we just know God loves us. We “feel” it in a sense. These are moments of consolation, of peace, of assurance. These are moments when we understand God is real and love. Invariably, moments of desolation follow, when we seem distant from God and all alone, but these moments of desolations happen so that we may better appreciate the consolations when they return.

Think of the people in your own lives that were epiphanies of God’s love. Think of the common man and woman who in some way reminded you that God exists, that God loves you, that God is around you and in you, that he never leaves you alone to face life by yourself. Think of someone that told you that God chose to get involved in your life to console and support you. Think of those people today who were epiphanies of God in times of desolation. Common men and women who were great lights. They may not have turned water into wine, or ever were visited by wise men from the East, and they didn’t hear a voice boom over them the day they were baptized, but they were people God chose to reveal to you that God among us!

Our world today is in great desolation. It seems left to its own devices and far from God’s ways. It is blind to the minor epiphanies of God. But after this time of worldly desolation there will come a time of great consolation, a time of awareness that God is among us. It will be God’s gift. It will come when He wishes to give it. We do not know the time or the hour. This is the hope all Christians have. We must tell others what we believe and hope.  We must take up the mission God gives us  in our own baptisms. God wants us to be an epiphany to someone someday. This is what our parish mission statement tells us: We are to be spirit-filled disciples bringing others to Christ through God’s love. Let is do so consoled always be the faith that God is with us!


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Deacon Bob‘s homily for the Solemnity of the Holy Family

Solemnity of the Holy Family
December 26, 2021

Many beautiful and holy things are said of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. They were a family no doubt unique in human history. A perfect mother, a perfect son, and a husband and stepfather who was truly saintly. Perfect harmony, perfect love, …. thoroughly holy…. the Holy Family.

Indeed we need to have such a family to which to turn to assist us, we who live in an imperfect world. We who are fathers and husbands, mothers and wives, sons and daughters, need a vision of what God meant families to be in His original plan when He created the first human family back in the time of Adam and Eve, a plan that never came to fulfillment until the Holy Family because of Adam’s sin, yet a plan that was never completely lost.

My family and yours have been created in the image of God‘s original plan. Although we have the image, we must grow into the likeness of what God intended and finally fulfilled in the Holy Family. We are not completely like them now; it is something for which we must continually strive to become.

All of us grew up in some sort of family,  some good and some not so good. We are an imperfect people, living in an imperfect world, using imperfect means to get through life, so none of our families are perfect. Some are far from it. Some are even harmful. We all know that when we begin our families we carry into it both the good and the bad of our own families. But along with all our baggage and fallen human nature, God has given us the Holy Family as a model of His plan for us, a plan for which we must strive to live as Jesus Mary and Joseph lived.

How diligent are we in becoming like the Holy Family?

To grow into the likeness of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, and God’s plan for families, we must believe in each other and believe that we can become more and more like the Holy Family. It requires patience, love, compassion, kindness, gentleness,  forgiveness, and so much more, at Saint Paul tells us in the reading today.

Saint Joseph was an exemplary stepfather and husband. He protected Mary from shame and death by taking her into his home as his wife even though he knew he had not father the child in her womb. He later discovered an external danger to his family, and in the middle of the night took Mary and Jesus on a long journey to Egypt to protect them from King Herod. We who are fathers and husbands, how well do we protect our families and lead them to places of safety away from the destructive influences of the world? To do this may require an act of heroism on our part. Fathers must read the world around them and move to safeguard their families, regardless of the cost.

Mary was a perfect mother. She nourished and fed Jesus. She no doubt caressed Him and sustained Him in His humanity and she stood by Him during His passion and death. She never abandoned Him. Her heart and His heart were united throughout His passion and death. The bond between Mary and Jesus has never been severed, not even now in heaven. The cumulative knowledge of the ages has taught us that a mother’s strong bond prevents a multitude of problems in the life of her child. Moms, remain connected to your children from the moment of conception until natural death. Moms, you are the spiritual guides of your families. You know our hearts.You read them. You guard our souls. You are gifted with an intuitive knowledge of what will nourish our hearts and what will harm them. You know what is necessary for your children to become parents of their own future family. You give your lives for your children, and you stand by your husbands in defending them from harm. We who are fathers and husbands may be the outer guards of the family but you are the inner guards.

Jesus was a perfect son. He was obedient and respectful, grateful and reverent towards Joseph and Mary. One of the last things He did before He died on the cross was care for His mother’s needs. We who are children, do we express our gratitude, obedience, and reverence to our parents? Do we pray for them? Are we sincerely thankful for all our parents have done for us?

Remember, none of our families are perfect but we are made in the image of the Holy Family, and it is our job to slowly grow into the likeness of Mary, Joseph, and Jesus. God provides us the Holy Family as a model of His plan for all of us, and He gives us what we need to live out our vocations. I have seen many examples of heroism in family life. At times being a husband and father, or a wife and mother, will require heroic things. Every good parent is a hero in the eyes of their children. Children on some level understand that God gives them heroes as parents.

Through the intercession of the Blessed Mother and the Saint Joseph, may all our families experience the peace and security we so very much want for them in this world.

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Deacon Bob’s Homily for Thanksgiving 2021

Here is my homily for Thanksgiving Day. Blessed are you!

Thanksgiving Homily, 2021
Sir 50: 20-24; 1 Cor 1: 3-9; Lk 21: 20-28

For what am I most grateful? Health? Life itself? Good fortune? My wife and family? The gift of Holy Orders into which I have been ordained? The Eucharist? My parents and siblings? My country? I could go on.

Yes, I am deeply grateful for all those things. I am the luckiest of all men, for I have been given much. Yet, I am most grateful for something else. I am grateful for the gift of faith which allows me to see God’s presence even in the darkest of times. With faith, I will get to heaven. Without it, I will be tormented. As we heard in the Gospel today, gratitude linked with faith brings salvation.

My health will someday leave me. My life on earth will someday end. My good fortune may take a turn for the worse. Without faith, my ministry will dry up, my reverence for the Eucharist will vanish, my pride in my country will erode, my family relationships will suffer without faith.

On a natural level, we want to be thankful for the good things of life. We know it’s only fair to be grateful for those things and people. St. Thomas Aquinas said that the virtue of gratitude is an extension of the cardinal virtue of justice and it is part of the natural law in every human being born into the world. It is part of our human nature to show such gratitude because it keeps us in harmony with others. Gratitude is an expression of basic human justice and it is an antidote to conflict and division among us. To be grateful is simply doing the right thing, the moral thing.

It is almost instinctual for humans to be grateful for the good things of life and to those who provide these good things to us. A grateful person, generally speaking, is a healthy person. A grateful person is usually at greater peace with himself and others than someone who is ungrateful. It is easy to like someone who is grateful for life and for the good things he enjoys. It is easy to give thanks for the good things of life, the pleasant and the beautiful things that are given to us, the things that give us comfort and security in life. It is natural to be grateful for these things.

So, if you want to be a better human being, practice gratitude. If you want a happier family life, practice gratitude. If you want peace in your relationships with neighbors and friends, practice gratitude because it will make you a more just person and others will respond favorably to you.

I know there are many people who seem to have little for which to be grateful, whose lives are truly painful, challenging, filled with problems and difficulties. It is their reality and they didn’t choose it. Thanksgiving day may be one more difficulty you face, not having family to be with, or peace in your life, or good things to enjoy. So I address you also.

Have faith! Yes, I know that is easy to say, and difficult to live. But have faith! It is difficult is to be grateful for the unpleasant, the difficult, the pain, the problems. It takes real faith to be grateful for the struggles, the challenges, the setbacks, the illnesses, and other naturally unpleasant and difficult things of life. It takes faith to see the presence of God working a miracle in you, desiring to make something beautiful out of it.

Remember, God doesn’t created bad things or desire your pain in life, but he allows it to be so he can transform it into a time of grace. God wants to give you life and love when you are distressed. Nothing is impossible for God, so he allows those difficult times in life, those setbacks, problems, illnesses into your life so he can take and transform them into something very beautiful, very grace-filled, something that will make you more life him — in other words — holy. In this way, if you have faith, faith which illuminates the hand of God at work in our lives, you can truly say you are grateful for those difficult times and events in our lives. I know I am asking something that seems unnatural and very difficult, but we have Jesus himself to show us how to do it, and many saints also.

No problem, no difficulty, no darkness that may come upon you can overcome the light of faith and the love of God for you. No matter how dark or bleak things may be, as long there is the light of faith, that faith will be a light that will mark the presence of God and allow him to take that darkness and turn it into light. For this kind of faith, I am most grateful.

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Homily for Solemnity of Jesus the King

Here is my homily for the weekend. May God bless you!

The Solemnity of our Lord Jesus Christ the King

Daniel 7:13-14; Rev 1:5-8; John 18:33b-37

November20/21, 2021


The one to whom you listen is the one whom you will obey, and the one you obey becomes the one who is your king.

To whom do we listen? Who or what is our king?

I would like to strike a sharp contrast in the homily today. Please bear with me as I do so. The good piece is at the end; the difficult piece is the beginning.

The world almost demands we make it our king. It demands the we listen and obey. The world around us, it seems, instills fear within to get our attention and our obedience. It uses fear as a way to become our king.

The media, so prevalent in our lives, makes similar demands. It rules the lives of so many of us nowadays. We bury our heads in our iPhones. We listen to the podcasts. We obey the information given to us on the web. The media becomes our king.

We may hold up certain people or causes as our ultimate authority to whom we pledge our lives, people who like Pontius Pilate have civil authority but lack the truth. Yes, there are many Pontius Pilates in our world who do not know the truth. We too easily listen to them and they become our kings.

So many of us allow things within us to become our kings: pride, vainglory, addictions, sins we have committed, regrets over our failures, even our accomplishments.

Indeed, we have very fickle, fallible, and untrustworthy kings to whom we listen and obey.

Think of the ancient Hebrews. They were filled with fear because they were starving. So they turned to Egypt. They submitted to the king of Egypt and what happened? They became slaves for 400 years.

The Hebrews did it again after God had freed them from Egypt and brought them into the desert. They became frightened when Moses went up the mountain to be with God. They made a molten calf their king. What happened? None of them made it to the Promised Land. Only their children did.

The Israelites also made the same mistake when they saw the nations around them with an earthly king and all they had were judges. They demanded a king, Saul, and they forsook their true king, God. What happened? They ended up divided and conquered.

I can go on. Judas and the Jewish authorities did it. Judas wanted a king of his own making, not the king that was Jesus. He sold out Jesus, the King of Kings. So what happened?  Judas died in despair.

Part One of the contrast. Now Part Two, the good part.

Jesus Christ, the true King of the Universe, does not use fear to get us to listen and obey. No, He uses the truth. He uses men and women who speak the truth, who give witness to the truth, who do not shy away from the truth, who proclaim the truth to get us to listen and obey. Jesus uses human beings to tell all those looking for a real king about His kingdom, a kingdom of mercy, love, justice, forgiveness, and eternal life. Our true King wants to love us into obedience.

We have so many witnesses to the Kingship of Jesus Christ. Thousands of named and unnamed Christians in the Church who knew the truth, who listened to His voice and obeyed, even to the point of martyrdom. Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, Simon, Jude, Lucy, Agatha, Marcillinus, Perpetua, Cosmos, Damian, and in our time Maximilian Kolbe and hundreds of others in Germany, Iraq, and Afghanistan who gave their lives because they knew the truth and their King, Jesus Christ.

We here in this parish must never tire of speaking the name of our King. Jesus Christ is the King of the Universe. He is the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega, the all powerful Son of God and Son of Mary who is our spiritual mother. Through Him all things were created and are held in existence. He is a King that is also a brother, a friend, a companion, an advocates before the throne of grace. He is a man like us in all things but sin, yet He is our King. He is the one who makes us like Him in his divinity. Jesus is the name to which we must bow our heads and bend our knees. (Every time the name of Jesus is spoken we should bow our heads silently.) In our darkest hour, He rules. In our weakest moments, His strength sustains us. In our sinfulness, He guides us back safely into his Kingdom of mercy. Our King is meek, and He is strong. He often seems weak and powerless to our eyes, but He is in fact far stronger than anything we could imagine.  Jesus is the center point of all human history. His Kingship has changed everything in the past, now in the present, and in the future.

Yes, Jesus our King must be proclaimed to all men and women. We are the ones who must proclaim Him. No matter who you are or how far along you are in your faith life, you can and must proclaim the name of Jesus. Speak of him to your family. Speak of him to your neighbors. Speak of him before you leave today to the person next to you in this Church. Proclaim Jesus! He is your King! Say his name. Out loud, speak His name. Tell people He is alive and His Kingdom is with us.

My fellow Christians, when difficulties arise in your life, to whom will you listen? Who will you obey? Who will be your king? I have only one answer: Jesus Christ! Listen to him!

May God bless you all!

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Deacon Bob’s Homily for the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B

Here is my homily for the weekend.  God bless you!

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B

October 24, 2021

Jeremiah 31:7-9; Hebrews 5:1-6; Mark 10:46-52



We all are Bartimaeus!  We all, in some way, can see ourselves in him for we too are blind to some degree to the stumbling blocks in our lives, blind to the obstacles, to the things that can trip us up, but we all have also experienced the touch of God in our lives.

Bartimaeus is a model for all Christians. In his life we hear how we too can respond when we find ourselves in need of vision, in need of sight, and after God heals us.

Bartimaeus knew that he would be able to see Jesus only by persisting in calling out in faith. Only by being healed of his blindness would he be able to follow Jesus without stumbling and hurting himself. He knew that his relationship with “the Master,” would cure his blindness and show him the way to follow.

Faith in God gives us vision, an ability to see. When we see, we then follow.

Terry Anderson was a journalist with the Associated Press. He was captured be Hezbollah militants in Lebanon in the 1980s and held captive for seven years. He was tortured and kept blindfolded, in the dark, and chained to his bed and the wall during that whole time. A Catholic priest, Father Lawrence Jenco, was also a hostage who spent much of his time in prayer, making a rosary out of threads from a sack, and celebrated clandestine Mass whenever he could. Mr. Anderson wrote after his release:

“Where is faith found? … There is no God, the cynics say; we made Him up out of our need and fear of death. And happily, they offer up their test-tube proofs. A mystery, the priests all say, and point to saints that prove their faith in acts of love and sacrifice. But what of us who are not saints, only common human sinners? And what of those who in their need and pain cry out to God and go on suffering? I do not know — I wish I did. Sometimes I feel all the world’s pain. I only say that once in my own need I felt a light and warm and loving touch that eased my soul and banished doubt and let me go on to the end. It is not proof — there can be none. Faith is what you find.”

After his release, Mr. Anderson went on to tell many people of his experience of faith, healing and freedom; so did Father Jenco.

Although I, too, hold up the saints as examples of faith, perhaps what is most convincing, most persuasive, is our own personal faith experiences. Perhaps what is most convincing to most people is our sharing our personal faith experiences with each other, like Mr. Anderson and Father Jenco did.

Are we as a parish willing to tell each other about our own experiences of faith and God? Yes, we all are Bartimaeus, suffering from blindness, but we all also are like Terry Anderson and Father Jenco; we have experienced in some way the touch of God. If we are to be a “welcoming community of faith filled disciples” as our parish vision statement states, we can and must share with each other our experiences of blindness and being set free by the touch of God.

Think about your own life. Where are the blind spots? Where is the darkness? In what areas is your faith shaky? We all have them. We all are blind in some ways. We all are Bartimaeus. Maybe our blindness is ignorance of the faith. We can learn. Maybe it is not knowing how to live out the faith. We can get involved in the various ministries in this parish to teach us. Maybe our blindness is because of our sins. We can be reconciled through the Sacrament of Penance. Like Bartimaeus, we can throw aside our old cloaks and put on a new one, live a different life in the freedom of God.

Now think when you know God touched your life, when things became clearer, when you began to see again, when you were healed. Will you tell others about those times? Will you let others know that God exists?

Like Bartimaeus, like Terry Anderson and Father Jenco, we need to continually call out to God and ask Him to help us see Him, who we are, and where we must go.

“Jesus, Son of David, have pity on me! I want to see!” can be our prayer also.

Our faith will show us the way. Our faith will be like a light. Our faith will heal us. Our faith in God is the road map for our lives.

Remember, Bartimaeus was not only healed of his blindness, but he followed after he was healed. We too must first cry out and be healed; then we must follow. One way for us to follow is to tell each other about how God, Jesus, has touched our lives, how we have known God, and in that way support each other in our lives of faith.

Finally, can you imagine the joy that must have been Bartimaeus’ when he regained his sight? When he began to follow? I have no doubt that he didn’t silently follow Jesus. Rather, he shouted out the great things God had done for him, just as loudly as he had shouted out to Jesus, “Son of David, have pity on me!” His joy is ours too, as we tell each other the wonderful things God has done for us.






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Deacon Bob’s Homily for 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B

Here is this week’s homily. God bless all!

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B

September 4/5, 2020

Isaiah 35:4-7a; James 2:1-5; Mark 7:31-37


Jesus is the fulfillment of all our hopes. Jesus is the one whom Isaiah identified as our God who comes with vindication, who opens the eyes of the blind, clears the ears of the deaf, and makes the dumb speak. Isaiah prophesied that Jesus would make water run on parched land.

In the Gospel passage today, it is clear that Jesus is the long-awaited one.  He is the Messiah for whom the Jews longed. Jesus is the fulfillment all the prophecies for he healed the man of his blindness, and cured him of his deafness, when streams of water ran down from Calvary the day he died, for we know water flow like a stream upon the dry ground that day.

The Jewish people knew Isaiah’s prophecies and they saw them being fulfilled in Jesus Christ.

Ephphatha! (Mark 7:34) Jesus exclaimed. Be opened! Be strong, fear not! (Is 35:4) Be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom (James 2:5) St. James exhorted. Jesus Christ is among us. Do not fear! He is everything for which we could possibly hope. He is more powerful, more faithful, more merciful, than anyone before him or after him. He is more than any other man or woman who may claim to fulfill you; more than any modern day author, actor, or actress, more than any political figure, or any popular celebrity. Jesus is the fulfillment of our lives and he restores all of creation in this goodness.

Proclaim Jesus! Tell the world that He is alive!

Are we convinced of these things? Are we convinced that Jesus is the one we all desperately want and need? Is Jesus the fulfillment of your lives? Do you love Him?

The early Church Fathers scoured the Old Testament and there they found Jesus proclaimed.They searched their own lives and found him there also.

What about us? Do we find him when we look for answers, or do we look to science or to philosophers or to Buddhism, paganism, or perhaps the most popular author on the New York Times best seller list?

Jesus is the answer. Jesus is the fullness of all that we also will become. Jesus is the God for whom we have been searching and hoping.

I cannot say it better than did Pope St. Paul VI in 1970. I quote him:

Convinced of Christ: yes, I feel the need to proclaim him, I cannot keep silent. «Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel!» (1 Cor. 9:16). I am sent by him, by Christ himself, to do this. I am an apostle, I am a witness. The more distant the goal, the more difficult my mission the more pressing is the love that urges me to it (cf. 2 Cor. 5:13). I must bear witness to his name: Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God (Matt. 16:16). He reveals the invisible God, he is the firstborn of all creation, the foundation of everything created. He is the Teacher of mankind, and its Redeemer. He was born, he died and he rose again for us. He is the center of history and of the world; he is the one who knows us and who loves us; he is the companion and the friend of our lives. He is the man of sorrows and of hope. It is he who will come and who one day will be our judge and, we hope, the everlasting fullness of our existence, our happiness. I could never finish speaking about him: he is the light and the truth; indeed, he is «the way, the truth and the life» (John 14:6). He is the bread and the spring of living water to satisfy our hunger and our thirst. He is our shepherd, our guide, our model, our comfort, our brother. Like us, and more than us, he has been little, poor, humiliated; he has been a worker; he has known misfortune and been patient. For our sake he spoke, worked miracles and founded a new kingdom where the poor are happy, where peace is the principle for living together, where the pure of heart and those who mourn are raised up and comforted, where those who hunger and thirst after justice have their fill, where sinners can be forgiven, where all are brothers.

Jesus Christ: you have heard of him spoken; you are Christians. So, to you Christians I repeat his name, to everyone I proclaim him: Jesus Christ is the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega; he is the king of the new world; he is the secret of history; he is the key to our destiny. He is the mediator, the bridge, between heaven and earth. He is more perfectly than anyone else the Son of Man, because he is the Son of God, eternal and infinite. He is the son of Mary, blessed among all women, his mother according to the flesh, and our mother through the sharing in the Spirit of his Mystical Body.

Jesus Christ is our constant preaching; it is his name that we proclaim to the ends of the earth (cf. Rom. 10:18) and throughout all ages. (Rom. 9:5)


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Deacon Bob’s Homily for the 22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time, Cycle B

Here is my homily for this weekend. God bless you all!

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B

Dt 4:1-2. 6-8; James 1:17-18, 21b-22,27

August 28/29, 2021

Jesus is rather clear in the Gospel that we have to get this (the heart, the inside) right before we can expect to get the outside right. He tells us that all the outside stuff is only “human traditions” if the inside stuff is not in good order. What does this mean?

I have been thinking a lot about what is at the heart of being a real Christian, a real Catholic. What is it that makes men Catholic men, women Catholic women?

For some people, being a good Catholic means obeying the 10 Commandments and the Precepts of the Church. No doubt these are basic and necessary, and we cannot call ourselves good Catholic men or women if we do not obey them. But they seem to be the same kind of things that go into making us good American citizens. There must be something more to Christianity than that .

I have discovered there are three additional things that make a good Catholic, a good Christian. They are: Relationship, Identity, and Mission.

Relationship is the beginning and the end of a good Christian. If we don’t start with relationship, we get everything else messed up. When we draw our last breath on this earth, this will be the one thing that will take us to heaven, i.e., being in relationship with God and the Church. We Catholics call this being in a state of grace. Our evangelical brothers and sisters call it knowing Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. They stress the importance of a personal relationship with Jesus as the means of salvation. At face value, they are correct, although not complete. Yes, we must be in a good relationship with God if we expect to get to heaven and if we expect to have good lives here on earth.  We have to be in a state of grace, in a good relationship with God and the Church. Too many of us nowadays underestimate the importance of this and we live with a broken relationship with God, and estranged from the Church, and for some reason we still expect everything else to be right, and we assume we’ll get to heaven anyway. It simply doesn’t work that way. We have to get our relationship with God and the Church right. That happens when we pray, when we are baptized and keep our baptismal promises, when we keep returning to the Sacrament of Reconciliation and then worthily receive Holy Communion, and when we beg God to be with us in all things. Prayer and the sacraments of baptism, penance, and Eucharist, keep us in a good relationship with God and the Church and are the foundation of being a good Catholic man or woman.

Identity. Question: Who am you and how do you find out? Answer: God will tell you! We know who we are only through grace, and through our relationships with God and Church. God knows who we are and tells us through the Church. We don’t tell God who we are. God tells us and we must listen. We don’t define ourselves; God does and the Church confirms it. The only way we really know ourselves, our identity, is through our relationship with God and the Church. This is so hard for us Americans to understand because our culture tells us we should define ourselves however we want. This is not the Christian way. This is not the Catholic way. We are not God. We must be humble and accept who we are and what He wants us to do in life.

Mission. Mission has to do with the outside. If we are in a state of grace, in a good relationship with God and the Church, and are using the sacraments frequently, we will know who we are, and then we will know what we must do. It concerns me to see people out there doing a lot of Church or charitable work when they are not in a good relationship with God and the Church. It concerns me to see them confused about who they are, their state in life, their ethnicity, their gender, their age, or their God-given abilities. It concerns me to see people out there doing a lot of Church work who seem to not really accept that God loves them as a son or daughter. It scares me to see people doing a lot of “mission work” but not praying, or frequently using the sacraments, and avoiding taking time with God in silence. How can we know what to do if we don’t listen to God and accept His plan for us?

Jesus warns us against this. He tells us to get the inside right before doing a lot of outside things. He tells us that the inside must direct the outside. If it is the other side around, we end up doing a lot of things that are mere human traditions that do not come from God, and we heard today in the Gospel what Jesus thinks of that.

So what makes a good Catholic man or woman? I think it is someone who, yes, keeps the 10 Commandments and the Precepts of the Church, but also prays, and relies on the grace of the sacraments, and confesses his sins regularly and receives the Eucharist worthily, and knows himself through the eyes of God and not his own, and is humble in accepting and living out God’s plan and purpose for his life.

Never break relationship with God or the Church! Remain in grace! Accept yourself as God knows you! And then live as God tells you live!



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