Our Holy Father, just moments ago, concluded his Christmas homily with these words: “O Maria! Mostraci Gesu! (O Mary! Show us Jesus!)”
Yes my dear readers, this is our prayer tonight. Show us Jesus, Mary! This is your entire vocation, O most holy Virgin Mother of our Lord; to show us the the face of your Son who is the divine refulgence of the Father, the Savior and Redeemer of all humankind and indeed all of creation.
Mary, you are our mother too. In your face God sees ours. In your countenance is the presentation of all of man’s needs, all of man’s possibilities. Mary, you bring to our constant attention the only way to our salvation, i.e., Jesus Christ and faith in him.
Mary, show us Jesus! Mary, show us to him so that we may be loved and brought to new life.