Here is my homily from this morning. God bless you!
The Holy Spirit inspired St. Luke to write the Gospel as a description of Jesus journeying to Jerusalem, step by step approaching the Holy City in which he would suffer, die and rise again. This morining, we hear of Jesus finally catching sight of Jerusalem (whose name means city of peace) and what does he do? He weeps. He weeps because the people to whom he was sent to bring freedom and peace failed to recognize him or accept him, and great calamity would befall them, as in fact in history we know did occur.
Jesus wept for love of his people. He was their visitation, and they failed to recognize him, failed to recognize that he was the Messiah, their savior and redeemer. The time of their visitation was near, and they would fail to recognize and accept.
We here this morning call ourselves Christians. We bear the name of Christ. We need to ask ourselves whether we recognize the time of our visitation from God. We need to ask ourselves whether we accept the coming of Jesus into our lives and our communities. Jesus makes his journey, step by step, into our lives also. Does he weep for us because we fail to recognize and accept him?
We will never find peace if we fail to recognize and accept Jesus and His body.
Yes, God loves each of us completely. Totally. He comes to us with an abundance of grace and love and presence. Do we truly recognize the time of our visitation?
May we this day be open to the coming of the Lord into our lives. May we find peace in the presence of Jesus Christ, who comes to redeem and grace us with his presence.