I read today in Deacon DIgest an article written by Deacon Joseph Donadieu from the diocese of Trenton, New Jersey, entitled, “Steering the Right Course with God’s Truth.” In it, he writes about moral relativism.
As you may already know, this is a topic I have posted on many times, and it is what I believe is one of the most pivotal issues that underlies many of our social, moral, and religious problems in our world.
Let me share an excerpt from Deacon Donadieu’s article that speaks well of all of this.
“It reminds me of the moral relativism that plagues modern society: the people who self-righteously declare that one religion is as good as another, that all religions are basically the same; the people who contend that there are no moral absolutes in this world (or there should be none) and that what might be good for one person may not be so for another, or what is evil for one might not be so for another; the argument that what is true for you may not be true for me. It all depends on where you come from, your experiences, and your cultural conditioning, the argument goes……
“Unless we recognize the Truth — this is, God’s love for us as our Creator, in Jesus Christ, his only begotten Son, through the power of the Holy Spirit — and all that flows from it, we seem destined to find ourselves in a society where only personal opinion and preferences matter. It is a society which makes itself increasingly vulnerable to manipulation by a few and the absolute dictatorship of their own version of the truth….
“May we always dedicate ourselves to the truth, in union with Church, to seek the truth where it may be found, and with the help of the Holy Spirit to make our lives mirrors of untarnished truth.” (Deacon Digest, Vol.28, No. 3, pgs 22-23.)
Well said, Deacon Joseph!