What Would the Blessed Mother Do?

The secular press once again is saying that the Vatican told the Irish bishops a number of years ago to not report to civil authorities incidents of clergy abusing minors. Once again, the Church is saying that the press is misconstruing what the letter in fact said and the reasons for it to have been written.

In regard to this whole issue of clergy sexual abuse, I have never heard anyone ever ask the question, “What would our Blessed Mother do if she were to know of a pedophile in the ranks of the clergy?”

How would she respond to the perpetrator? How would she respond to the victim?

Before anyone makes judgments about this most recent news report, perhaps he or she should read the letter in question.

I will see if I can locate a weblink and provide it to you.

Until then, read Cindy Wooden’s account published by the Catholic News Service.

About Deacon Bob

Moderator: Deacon Bob Yerhot of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota.
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