Want to play some music?

In his book, Illustrissimi, Papa Luciani writes a letter to Casella, a friend of Dante, and a gifted composer and performer of music. The letter is entitled, “The Music of Reconciliation.”

Luciani’s letter can be summed up in two statements he used.

“True music is reconciliation with God.”

“Music is also our reconciliation with our brothers.”

You know, on a theological level he is expressing something here that others would attempt to express with fancier words. I think he again is using language that resonates with the common person more so than the theologian.

But there is something concretely true about what he says here. Have you ever tried to sing or play music when you are estranged from the listener, or resisting God in some manner? The music is twisted and garbled.

Try it the next time you have a big fight with your best friend. Try singing your favorite song and see what you think of it.

Want to play some good music? Be reconciled with God and your friend. Use the Sacrament of Reconciliation and then reach out to your friend and ask for forgiveness.

The music will be beautiful.

About Deacon Bob

Moderator: Deacon Bob Yerhot of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota.
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