Forgiveness, in Paradox

I found the following in the book,  How to Forgive, by John Monbourquette.

The Great Paradoxes of Forgiveness

Easy but often inaccessible

Available but often forgotten

Liberating for the other and even more so for ourselves

On everyone’s lips and yet misunderstood

Innate the human heart and yet illusory

Vital for humans but so often feared

Bestowed upon the soul and yet menacing

Mysterious and yet an everyday occurrence

Utterly divine and utterly human

I love that last line. Christ-like. Always draws us into not only liberation and light, but also emptying of ourselves so as to be filled with the dignity of sons and daughters.

About Deacon Bob

Moderator: Deacon Bob Yerhot of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota.
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