Congratulations, Sr. Alice Zachmann, SSND

Those of us in the diocese of Winona should be proud of Sr. Alice Zachmann, SSND who resides now in Mankato, Minnesota with other School Sisters of Notre Dame.

Sr. Alice was honored recently by the Torture Abolition and Survivors Support Coalition International (TASSC), along with three other individuals, for their work in human rights in Guatemala over the years.

Sr. Alice is a former elementary school teacher who began human rights work in the 1970s after visiting Guatemala two times and being appalled at the poverty and the long civil war that was occuring during those years.  She founded the Guatemala Human Rights Commission/USA in 1982 and later began her involvement in TASSC.

Sr. Alice is now 84 years old, and continues to speak at various churches and schools about human rights issues.

God bless you Sr. Alice Zachmann!

A direct link to an article from Catholic News Service reporting this:

About Deacon Bob

Moderator: Deacon Bob Yerhot of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota.
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