Catholics Come Home!

I would like to draw your attention to the link at the lower right of this page under “Good Websites” entitled Catholics Come Home . This is an excellent website dedicated to bringing back Catholics who have stopped practicing their faith. The website is superbly done, with many videos, information, and opportunities for learning.

I would challenge each of you to show this website to one of your Catholic friends who may not be active in the parish. We all know one or more.

Did you know that 90% of inactive Catholics drifted from the faith due to social influences, not doctrinal issues? Think of the implications of this especially in terms of what needs to be done to remedy this drift. I believe it implies that a social influence will draw them back, specifically a personal contact by you and me. A personal connection that leads them to discover, perhaps for the first time, that the Catholic Church has convincing answers to their questions of life. A personal connection that God will use to reawaken that mysterious pull inside them back to the Church. That pull is there; we can kindle it for God will use us as his agent.

You will be hearing more of Catholics Come Home in the future.

About Deacon Bob

Moderator: Deacon Bob Yerhot of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota.
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