The Human Body — Gift not Object

Let me try to succinctly summarize one reason why pornography and contraception are wrong and destructive to the human person and the human community. Both are rampant in our society, and the mainstream media and perhaps most of society today normalize and tacitly if not openly support them. But here is the problem:

A fundamental question that must be asked whenever the human body is visualized, displayed, shown in its nakedness and approached in that way is,

“Is the body offered as gift from a man to a woman or a woman to a man so as to form a communion of persons, or is it seen as an object for consumption, thus violating the body’s right to intimacy in its masculinity and femininity as a whole person?”

In both pornography and contraception we objectify the other and either make impossible a true communion of persons (in the case of pornography) or withhold from our partners an fundamental aspect of who we are as persons, i.e., co-creators of new life.

In the case of pornography, its objectivization of the body for the purposes of sexual gratification, raises the real possibility of devaluation of one’s spouse and desensitization of a man’s ability to give himself fully to his wife.

In the case of contraception, with its deliberate preclusion of fertility, the risk of objectivization of the body is high, self-acceptance declines, faith in each other erodes, and the ability to create a true communion of persons wanes.

The human body is made to be given as gift, male to female, female to male, so as to enter into the Trinitarian life of God himself. For man is to be united to woman to strengthen the bonds of love to the point in which new life is generated, and the communion of persons is complete. 

Contraceptive sex inhibits this in a grave manner. Pornography renders it impossible, and gravely so.

About Deacon Bob

Moderator: Deacon Bob Yerhot of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota.
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